k8s中namespace有两种常见的状态,即Active和Terminating状态,其中Terminating状态一般会比较少见,当对应的命名空间下还存在运行的资源,但该命名空间被删除时才会出现所谓的Terminating状态,这种情况下只要等待k8s本身将命名空间下的资源回收后,该命名空间将会被系统自动删除。 但是在某些情况下,即使命名空间下没有运行的资源,...
k8s中namespace有两种常见的状态,即Active和Terminating状态,其中Terminating状态一般会比较少见,当对应的命名空间下还存在运行的资源,但该命名空间被删除时才会出现所谓的Terminating状态,这种情况下只要等待k8s本身将命名空间下的资源回收后,该命名空间将会被系统自动删除。 但是在某些情况下,即使命名空间下没有运行的资源,...
kubectl delete -f comeonk8s/storage/ 一切似乎都正常,毕竟破坏比建设容易多了。然鹅,还是太naive,有一个 storage os 的 name space “storageos-operator”, 过去一个小时了还在,一直处于“Terminating” 状态,又等了半个小时,还是“Terminating” 状态。事情复杂啦。沮丧之余转向谷歌,开始寻找是否有人有同样的问题。
in my case, it was cert-managaer ns, which stuck in termination state. It could not be delete because of CRDs which was created before but was not seen by cmdkubectl get allbut link to the script which has been provided by@difabiondo the job. thx@difabion Have you solved it? joek...
I started to execute kubectl delete ns xxx without clearing the resources under the namespace, and found that the namespace was stuck in the terminating state. [root@k8s-master-node1 lstio]# kubectl get ns pal -ojson { "apiVersion": "v1", ...
Sometimes the process to delete namespaces gets stuck, and the command never completes. While the command returns a message showing that the namespace was deleted, querying it indicates that it's actually in aTerminatingstate: $ kubectl delete namespace tackle-operator ...
# 解决namespace Terminating,根据实际情况修改<namespaces>curl--cert/tmp/client.pem--key/tmp/client-key.pem--cacert/tmp/ca.pem-H"Content-Type: application/json"-XPUT--data-binary @/tmp/temp.json https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:6443/api/v1/namespaces/<namespaces>/finalize ...
In Kubernetes 1.26,non-graceful node shutdownreaches the Beta phase. When a node is shut down, the pods on the node will be stuck in the Terminating state and VolumeAttachments cannot be deleted. If the pods are created by a StatefulSet, the pods cannot be recreated on another node because...
1. check if service of container runtime -- containerd -- is running on all computers who want to join the kubernetes cluster. $ systemctl status cont
Jobs manage the execution of pods to perform a particular task and ensure the task is completed successfully before terminating.作业管理 Pod 的执行以执行特定任务,并确保任务在终止之前成功完成。 # Run a CronJob manuallykubectl create job [job-name] --image=image/name # Creates a new job from ...