oneinfra is a Kubernetes as a Service platform. It empowers you to provide or consume Kubernetes clusters at scale, on any platform or service provider. You decide.Read more about its design here.Managed Kubernetes versionsKubernetes version 1.15.12 1.16.15 1.17.17 1.18.18 1.19.10 1.20.6 ...
KubeOperator 开源项目提供容器集群一键部署、升级、监控、备份 / 恢复等能力,结合 FIT2CLOUD 统一云服务框架,实现 Kubernetes as a Service, 有效支持企业基于 Kubernetes 快速开展业务创新。 解决方案 客户挑战 云原生应用的普及带动了企业快速部署和运营 Kubernetes 集群的需求。企业希望有效利用 IaaS 平台中共享计算、存储...
KUBERNETES AuTHENTICATION & Namespace as a service Turn Noise Into Music Kubernetes security shouldn't be a mystery that requires an endless investment of money and time. Your solution should just work and your developers and admins should be able to just do their jobs. Managing your infrastructu...
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)平台即服务。PaaS提供了包括服务器、存储空间和网络等基础结构,但它并未包括中间件、开发工具、数据库管理系统等。PaaS旨在支持应用程序的完整生命周期:生成、部署、管理和更新,提供应用的托管能力。 在IaaS阶段,服务厂商只提供虚拟机,虚拟机之上的软件栈都由用户管理,包括操作系统、持久...
第一种是 Namespaces as a Service,这种模型是多个租户共享一个 Kubernetes 集群,每个租户被限定在自己的 Namespace 下,借用原生的 Namespace 的隔离性来实现租户负载的隔离租户一般只能使用 Namespace 级别的资源,不能使用集群级别的资源,它的 API 兼容性比较受限。
“普通” Service(除了无头 Service)会以这种名字的形式被分配一个 DNS A 或 AAAA 记录,取决于 Service 的 IP 协议族。 该名称会解析成对应 Service 的集群 IP。 “无头(Headless)” Service (没有集群 IP)也会以
最近在做*基于Kubernetes的ElasticSearch as a Service***(简称ESaaS**)项目方案,要尽量保证任何ElasticSearch Cluster中始终至少要有一个健康可用的ES client pod, ES master pod和ES data pod。很多同学都学想到Deployment中可以设置maxUnavailable,那不就行了吗?再说了,还会有RS Controller在做副本控制呢? 等下!
AKS also exposes metrics from critical Control Plane components such as API server, ETCD, Scheduler through Azure Managed Prometheus. This feature is currently in preview. For more information, see Monitor Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) control plane metrics (preview). A subset of Control Plane ...
You configure policies such as authentication or transformation. Unlike traditional proxies, ngrok doesn't rely on IP forwarding. Instead, you run a lightweight agent that connects securely to ngrok's network. Traffic flows through this secure connection to your service....
Follow these steps as a workaround to connect with SSH on a Windows Server node.Create a proxy serverAt this time, you can't connect to a Windows Server node directly by using kubectl debug. Instead, you need to first connect to another node in the cluster with kubectl, then connect to...