Docker and Kubernetes Dojo Tutorial on Using Docker and Kubernetes Big thanks to Michael Frayer for most of the content of this tutorial is from him! Pre-requisites: Generally speaking you need to have the Git client and Docker along with Kubernetes installed locally. A console or shell environm...
site Kicbase/ISO: Update docker from 27.4.0 to 28.0.0 (#20436) Feb 21, 2025 test Merge pull request #20331 from liangyuanpeng/cleanup_old_registry Feb 5, 2025 third_party Fix go vet issues Feb 21, 2024 translations Fix french translation Feb 4, 2025 .codecov.yml make codecov bot to...
The creation process may take a few minutes as Minikube needs to download the necessary Docker images. Once done, you should see a message indicating that your cluster is up and running. You can verify the status of your cluster by typing the commandminikube statusin your terminal. This comma...
com.docker.project: tutorial spec: containers: - image: docker/getting-started name: tutorial ports: - containerPort: 80 protocol: TCP resources: {} restartPolicy: Always status: {} On the host of Docker Desktop, open a terminal and run: $ kubectl apply -f tutorial.yaml service/tutorial ...
name ="tutorial"ports{internal =80external =8000}} 根据main.tf初始化项目: $ terraform init Initializing the backend... Initializing provider plugins... - Finding latest version of kreuzwerker/docker... - Installing kreuzwerker/docker v2.12.2... ...
In this Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) tutorial, you create an Azure Container Registry instance and upload sample application container images.
Open a browser and visit your Todo app atlocalhost:30001. You should see your Todo application, the same as when you ran it as a stand-alone container inPart 2of the tutorial. Once satisfied, tear down your application: $kubectl delete -f bb.yaml ...
Alex Chalkias, Valentin Viennot 23 June 2021 K8s at the edge: easy as “Pi” Discover how to build your own home cloud in this step-by-step video tutorial which combines the power of technologies such as LXD, MicroK8s, Charmed Operators, and Raspberry Pis. ...
You can follow theWorking with Dockertutorial to build your project, generate a Docker image, and push it to a public or private container registry through the MicrosoftDocker Extension. Create and config a Kubernetes cluster You can create a Kubernetes cluster running on Azure using the Kubernetes... env: - name: MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: mssql key: MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD volumeMounts: - name: dxe mountPath: "/etc/dh2i" volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: dxe spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi - metada...