This node has joined the cluster:*Certificate signing request was sent to apiserver and a response was received.*The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details. Run'kubectl get nodes'on the control-plane to see this nodejointhe cluster. 切换至CP节点查看节点是否加入成功 <root@HK...
This node has joined the cluster:*Certificate signing request was sent to apiserver and a response was received.*The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details. Run 'kubectl get nodes' on the control-plane to see this node join the cluster. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
Run 'kubectl get nodes' on the control-plane to see this node join the cluster. # 在 master 中通过kubectl查看节点状态,可以看到三个节点均正常加入集群,状态也正常 [root@stache31 ~]# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION stache31 Ready master 4h26m v1.18.20 stache32 Ready <none...
->Cluster IP只能结合Service Port组成一个具体的通信端口,单独的Cluster IP不具备通信的基础,并且他们属于Kubernetes集群这样一个封闭的空间。 ->Kubernetes集群之内,Node IP网、Pod IP网于Cluster IP网之间的通信,采用的是Kubernetes自己设计的一种编程方式的特殊路由规则。 RC、RS和Deployment只是保证了支撑服务的微服务...
curl -s | bash k3d cluster create devcluster --config k3d.yml 建立後端服務的部署檔案您可以建立一個檔案,使用 YAML 檔案來管理 Kubernetes 的容器部署。 讓我們建立一個檔案來部署後端服務。在...
Add the worker node to the cluster by copying theKubernetes configfile fromK8S-MtoK8S-W. In a terminal window onK8S-W, join the worker node to the cluster by running thekubeadm joincommand that you noted previously. The commandkubeadm joinshould be similar to ...
ScaleClusterNodePool AttachInstancesToNodePool RemoveNodePoolNodes UpgradeClusterNodepool RepairClusterNodePool FixNodePoolVuls ModifyNodePoolNodeConfig SyncClusterNodePool DescribeClusterAttachScripts CreateAutoscalingConfig Node Add-ons Upgrade Permissions Template Trigger Labels Logs Event Task Po...
在子节点 也就是node1和node2节点进行 : 配置默认存储: 安装metrics-server: 安装KubeSphere 1、下载核心文件 2、修改cluster-configuration (重要) 执行安装: 查看进度: 解决etcd监控证书找不到问题 附录: kubesphere-installer.yaml cluster-configuration.yaml k8s: 基础配置(获取三台服务器) 方法一、使用一台Win...
如果选择自动创建日志服务 Project 将会自动创建一个名称为k8s-log-{ClusterID}的日志服务 Project。 NodePools语法 "NodePools": [ { "ScalingGroup": Map, "KubernetesConfig": Map, "NodePoolInfo": Map } ] NodePools属性 属性名称 类型 必须 允许更新 描述 约束 ScalingGroup Map 是 否 节点池扩容组配置...
Installing of addonWhen a cluster is created, some system addons and those specified at the time of cluster creation will be installed, so when an addon resource is applied: If the addon already exists in the cluster and its version is the same as the specified version, it will be skipped...