This is pretty explicit. You don’t have access to the API. At this point, you may consider running the Pod accessing the API under a service account with more privileges or giving read access to the default service account. Let’s do that. We assume that you are usingRBAC(Role Based ...
通过以下代码获得certificates,注意,必须对于master结点和两个node结点机器上都需要获取 通过kubectl describe pod xxx获得报错信息: Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to"StartContainer"for"POD"with ErrImagePull:"image pull failed for, this may be ...
通过在相应的清单文件中包含永久性卷规范,定义已部署的 Pod 的存储要求。 除了触发动态预配外,这还会自动在 Pod 内装载卷。 例如,以下清单为使用默认存储类的 100 GB 非共享磁盘定义了永久性卷声明。 YAML apiVersion:v1kind:PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata:name:pvc-akshcispec:accessModes...
yy=2 --labels设置标签,给pod打上“xx=1,yy=2”的标签[root@k8scloude1 pod]# kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --image-pull-policy=IfNotPresent --env "xx=1" --env "yy=2" --labels="xx=1,yy=2"pod/nginx created#查看pod
# < Name of the registry secret providing access to the frontend image > automountServiceAccountToken: false --- # A service which exposes the cognitive-service containers through a dependable hostname: http://language:5000 apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: language labels: run: la...
"pod_vswitch_ids" : [ "String" ], "container_cidr" : "String", "service_cidr" : "String", "node_cidr_mask" : "String", "security_group_id" : "String", "is_enterprise_security_group" : Boolean, "snat_entry" : Boolean, "endpoint_public_access" : Boolean, "load_balancer_spec"...
舰队通过ACK Kube Queue以及ACK Scheduler实现了多集群中的PyTorchJob调度,并且能够在调度时保障PyTorchJob工作负载上声明的Gang语义。 前提条件 子集群已安装云原生AI套件(仅需部署Arena)。 已授予RAM用户AliyunAdcpFullAccess权限。具体操作,请参见为RAM用户授权。 已安装AMC命令行工具。具体操作,请参见AMC命令行帮助...
accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] resources: requests: storage: 10Gi # 每个节点分配 10GB 存储 --- # 定义密码 Secret(需提前创建) apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: mysql-secret type: Opaque data: ROOT_PASSWORD: $(echo -n "MySecureP@ssw0rd!" | base64) # 密码需 Base64 编码...
部署后,检查 pod 状态,发现metirc server pod 的状态不对会显示如下状态, bigtera@rancher1:/rancher_deploy/helm_package/rancher$ kubectl get pod --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kube-system coredns-autoscaler-79599b9dc6-pwm52 1/1 Running 0 147m kube-system metrics-server...