Error: edge node join failed: copy resources failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to setup network for sandbox "23a26df6b2472c6cf2de78b9a2971dea3ed9dc811c1df1775446064f76232259": cni plugin not initialized execute keadm command failed: edge node join failed: copy resources fail...
3. 我们接着安装CNI网络插件,下载太慢了可以使用这个网站查询raw.githubusercontent.com的IP地址并且写入hosts文件。 kubectl apply -f 1. 等待约半个小时,pod才下载完毕,执行kubectl get pods -n kube-system如果出现如下说...
9. 发现所有的coredns pod都处于Pending状态,我们还需要安装Pod Network插件, kubeadm only supports Container Network Interface (CNI) based networks (and does not support kubenet). 这里使用flannel网络 3.5 配置网络插件 下载flannel插件的yaml文件 $ cd ~ && mkdir flannel && cd flannel $ curl -O https:...
install-cni-plugin: Container ID: docker://4b9038e3492b9524e5465ec00e6e1fae6dcce1f2e90ed58d634e67a17b8c9093 Image: Image ID: docker-pullable://flannel/flannel-cni-plugin@sha256:bf4b62b131666d040f35a327d906ee5a3418280b68a88d9b9c7e828057210443 ...
用journalctl -f -u kubelet查看kubelet相关日志后,发现是NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:docker: network plugin is not ready: cni config uninitialized Unable to update cni config错误,这不就是没有安装网络组件嘛,突然想起来!!!master节点Notready的原因其实就是自己忘记安装网络组件啦!!
edgecore: E0209 10:35:06.698280 131971 pod_workers.go:915] "Error syncing pod, skipping" err="failed to \"StartContainer\" for \"upgrade-ipam\" with ImagePullBackOff: \"Back-off pulling image \\\"\\\"\"" pod="kube-system/calico-node-l965z" podUID=...
检验部署结果 kubectl get all -n kubeedge -o wide 3. edgecore 处部署edgemesh 到这里进行不下去了,不知道怎样配置04-configmap.yaml文件,其实也配置了好多次,永远是notready状态。 Originally posted by@leepopleeinkubeedge/kubeedge#5450 (comment)
This was referencedSep 22, 2023 enabling Cilium CNI with KubeEdge trial.fujitatomoya/kubeedge#1 Closed KubeEdge edgecore supports CNI Cilium?#4844 Open Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment...