简介: K8S 实用工具之六 -kubectl-aliases ahmetb/kubectl-aliases 就是一大堆 的kubectl alias,目的就是省下敲一长串 kubectl 命令的时间。 地址在这里:ahmetb/kubectl-aliases 示例 例如: alias ksysgdepwslowidel='kubectl --namespace=kube-system get deployment --watch --show-labels -o=wide -l' ...
ahmetb/kubectl-aliases 就是一大堆的 kubectl alias,目的就是省下敲一长串 kubectl 命令的时间。 地址在这里:ahmetb/kubectl-aliases 示例 例如: alias ksysgdepwslowidel='kubectl --namespace=kube-system get deployment --watch --show-labels -o=wide -l' 完整的有多少呢,近 800 多个... 以下只是一...
ahmetb/kubectl-aliases 就是一大堆的 kubectl alias,目的就是省下敲一长串 kubectl 命令的时间。 地址在这里:ahmetb/kubectl-aliases 示例 例如: alias ksysgdepwslowidel='kubectl --namespace=kube-system get deployment --watch --show-labels -o=wide -l' 完整的有多少呢,近 800 多个... 以下只是一...
kubectl-aliases This repository containsa scriptto generate hundreds of convenient shell aliases for kubectl, so you no longer need to spell out every single command and --flag over and over again. An example shell alias created from command/flags permutation looks like: ...
kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead. The problem is that --namespace is a positional argument, but to fix this issue it will need to not be last, but come before the --. See https...
简介:K8S 实用工具之六 -kubectl-aliases ahmetb/kubectl-aliases 就是一大堆的 kubectl alias,目的就是省下敲一长串 kubectl 命令的时间。 地址在这里:ahmetb/kubectl-aliases 示例 例如: alias ksysgdepwslowidel='kubectl --namespace=kube-system get deployment --watch --show-labels -o=wide -l'BASH...
Programmatically generated handy kubectl aliases. Contribute to ahmetb/kubectl-aliases development by creating an account on GitHub.
[ x] If the code introduces new aliases, I provide a valid use case for all plugin users down below. Changes: Recently I have had the need to interact with certificates that are being setup as part of deployment. Added aliases to run the following commands ...
on the aliases float, on the title show this text:k8s_aliases - Aliases (157)- the number of resources/aliases would be in the brackets. like this: Describe alternatives you've considered Additional context I tried messing with thenvim_win_set_config()but I'm not sure what to do to be...