4. 检查节点的metrics数据是否可获取 如果metrics-server 正在运行,但某些节点的数据仍然显示为 unknown,可能是因为这些节点的 kubelet 配置有问题,或者 kubelet 与 metrics-server 之间的通信存在问题。 你可以检查 kubelet 的配置,确保它启动了 --enable-server 参数,以便 metrics-server 可以从 kubelet 获取数据。同...
Unknown:在某些情况下,由于与 Kubernetes 控制平面的通信问题,节点的状态可能是未知的。理想情况下,在一个健康的 Kubernetes 集群中,所有节点都应处于 "Ready"状态。示例 假设您运行kubectl get nodes并看到以下输出:NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSIONnode-1 Ready <none> 30d v1.21.3no...
Normal Scheduled 3m default-scheduler Successfully assigned my-namespace/my-pod to node-1 Normal Pulled 2m kubelet, node-1 Container image "my-image:latest" already present on machine Normal Created 2m kubelet, node-1 Created container my-container Normal Started 2m kubelet, node-1 Started contai...
kubectl top nodes只能查看主机点的情况,其他节点显示unknown root@VM-4-2-ubuntu:~# kubectl top nodes --use-protocol-buffers NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY% master 263m 13% 2573Mi 77% edgelz edgenodety edgepzw 李小纯i 2024-10-11 21:36:03 源自:10-6 应用管理-创建Pod应用...
Unknown:在某些情况下,由于与 Kubernetes 控制平面的通信问题,节点的状态可能是未知的。 理想情况下,在一个健康的 Kubernetes 集群中,所有节点都应处于 "Ready"状态。 示例 假设您运行kubectl get nodes并看到以下输出: NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION node-1Ready <none>30d v1.21.3node-2Ready <none>30d v1.21...
akswin22000000 <unknown> <unknown> <unknown> <unknown> Anything else we need to know? Restarting node can recover it. But we still have the following questions: Why is “kubectl exec” causing problems? This looks like a bug: if the API is not designed to handle some load, we expect ...
testing123 <unknown> <unknown> <unknown> <unknown> 当我对testing123重新用token纳管的时候,可以纳管这个节点,仍然无法获得edge02的信息了。 root@hecs-411543:~# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION edge02 Ready agent,edge 40h v1.19.3-kubeedge-v1.8.2 ...
$ kubectl cordon my-node # Mark my-node as unschedulable $ kubectl drain my-node # Drain my-node in preparation for maintenance $ kubectl uncordon my-node # Mark my-node as schedulable $ kubectl top node my-node # Show metrics for a given node $ kubectl cluster-info # Display addresse...
kubectl drain k8s-node 标记my-node 可调度 kubectl uncordon k8s-node 显示my-node 的指标度量 kubectl top node k8s-node 将当前集群状态输出到 stdout kubectl cluster-info dump 将当前集群状态输出到 /path/to/cluster-state kubectl cluster-info dump --output-directory=/path/to/cluster-state ...
$ kubectl uncordon my-node # Mark my-node as schedulable $ kubectl top node my-node # Show metrics for a given node $ kubectl cluster-info # Display addresses of the master and services $ kubectl cluster-info dump # Dump current cluster state to stdout ...