kubectl create job [job-name] --image=image/name # Creates a new job from the job template specified in the cronjob kubectl create job -n [namespace] --from=cronjob/[cron-job-name] [job-name] 使用Secret Secret 用于在 Kubernetes 中安全地存储敏感信息,如密码、OAuth 令牌和 SSH 密钥。 #...
String(), Kind: "Job"}, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: o.Name, Annotations: annotations, Labels: cronJob.Spec.JobTemplate.Labels, OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{*metav1.NewControllerRef(cronJob, batchv1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("CronJob"))}, Name: o.Name, Annotations...
# Run a CronJob manually kubectl create job [job-name] --image=image/name # Creates a new job from the job template specified in the cronjob kubectl create job -n [namespace] --from=cronjob/[cron-job-name] [job-name] Working with secrets 处理秘密 Secrets are used to store sensitive...
` in Job objects.+The reverted change had prevented users running `kubectl` from manually creating a Job+(using `kubectl create job example-job --from=cronjob/some-cronjob`) from a CronJob, if they weren't authorized+to write to the `finalizers` subresource of the owning CronJob....
使用Job 作业管理 pod 的执行以执行特定任务,并确保在终止之前成功完成该任务。 复制 # Run a CronJob manuallykubectlcreatejob[job-name]--image=image/name# Creates a new job from the job template specified in the cronjobkubectlcreatejob-n[namespace]--from=cronjob/[cron-job-name] [job-name] ...
k api-versions,通过此命令可查询出现有的k8s集群所支持的kind版本。上面那个cronjob文件为例,可以知道,我这个集群,资源清单文件首行可以写成:apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 也可以写成apiVersion: batch/v1 这样的形式,在这个集群内都是OK的。 [root@master ~]# k api-versions ...
To check the job auto-resume status Run the following command to check the status of job auto-resume. kubectl describe pytorchjob -n kubeflow<job-name> Depending on the failure patterns, you might see two patterns of Kubeflow training job restart as follows. ...
创建xxl-job的service yaml文件 [root@k8s-master-0 ~]# vi xxl-job-service.yaml 1. xxl-job-service.yaml kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: xxl-job-service namespace: test labels: app: xxl-job-service spec: ports: - name: http-8080 protocol: TCP port: 8080 targetPort: 8080...
But I still would expect that when I delete a cronJob, (which, in production terms means undeploying my application), that the job resources associated would be cleaned up. Since the pods get cleaned up anyways, the job is just garbage left behind that I have to manually delete. I'd ...
Mixing client-side-apply and server-side-apply is not supported. If you would like to manually manage a portion of your resource while ArgoCD manages another portion then please use SSA in your initial commands by adding--server-side=trueand--field-manager=<DifferentFieldManager>for your manual...