kubectl run NAME --image=image [–env=“key=value”] [–port=port] [–replicas=replicas] [–dry-run=bool] [–overrides=inline-json] [–command] – [COMMAND] [args…] [options] [root@master01 ~]# kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:latest --port=80 --replicas=3 #创建名字为nginx镜像n...
➜ ~ kubectl get pods -o custom-columns='IMAGE:spec.containers[0].image' IMAGE cnych/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner:v4.0.2 nginx:latest 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 选择匹配过滤表达式的列表元素 ➜ ~ kubectl get pods -o custom-columns='DATA:spec.containers[?(@.image!="nginx:latest")].image'...
pod1 labels: k8s-app: pod1spec: serviceAccountName: pod1-sa restartPolicy: Never containers: - name: pod1 image: beyond.io:5000/debug-test:0.1.1 imagePullPolicy: Always volumeMounts: - name: volume mountPath: /data readOnly: False volumes: - na...
允许的值:dockerRegistry、generic。 默认值:dockerRegistry。 创建/更新泛型或 docker imagepullsecret。 选择 dockerRegistry 以创建/更新所选注册表的 imagepullsecret。 imagePullSecret 是将包含容器注册表密码的机密传递给 Kubelet 的一种方法,以便它可以代表 Pod 拉取专用映像。
$ kubectl debug -it ${pod_name} --image=busybox:1.28 --target=${container_name} 2.2 调试示例一:通过附加调试容器对处于 Running 状态的 Pod 进行调试 创建一个 Pod,该 Pod 功能是从 S3 存储的一个桶 mybucket1 中获取文件 test.txt 并复制到本地目录 /data/test.txt, 再从此目录把 test.txt 上...
funcimage(cmd*cobra.Command,args[]string)error{clientSet:=kube.ClientSet(KubernetesConfigFlags)ns,_:=rootCmd.Flags().GetString("namespace")// 生命一个全局资源列表varrList[]interface{}ifflag,_:=cmd.Flags().GetBool("deployments");flag{deployList,err:=clientSet.AppsV1().Deployments(ns).List...
$ kubectl debug -it ${pod_name} --image=busybox:1.28 --target=${container_name} 2.2 调试示例一:通过附加调试容器对处于 Running 状态的 Pod 进行调试 创建一个 Pod,该 Pod 功能是从 S3 存储的一个桶 mybucket1 中获取文件 test.txt 并复制到本地目录 /data/test.txt, 再从此目录把 test.txt 上...
kubectl explain deploy.spec.replicas kubectl explain pod.metadata.namespace Migrate all Pods in a node and make it Unschedulable Identify node to action on: $ kubectl get nodes Next, tell Kubernetes to drain the node: $ kubectl drain <node-name> ...
Deploy Commands: rollout Manage the rollout of a resource scale Set anewsizefora Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job autoscale Auto-scale a Deployment, ReplicaSet, or ReplicationController Cluster Management Commands: certificate Modify certificate resources. ...
KubeOperator is an open source project, a web based application enable you to deploy and manage production ready Kubernetes clusters on VMware, Openstack, virtual machines and physical machines in LAN network without internet connectivity. https://kubeoperator.io ...