-o wide: 这个参数指定了输出格式。-o 是--output 的缩写,用于指定输出格式。wide 格式是一种更详细的输出格式,通常包括 Pod 的 IP 地址、所在节点等额外信息。执行这个命令后,你会在终端中看到类似下面的输出(输出内容会根据你的集群实际情况有所不同): ...
kubectl get pods -o wide kubernetes-dashboard-76479d66bb-nj8wr -n kube-system # 获取所有deployment kubectl get deployment -all # 查看kube-system namespace下面的pod/svc/deployment 等等(-o wide 选项可以查看存在哪个对应的节点) kubectl get pod /svc/deployment -n kube-system # 列出该 namespace...
Kubectl Get Pods -o Wide The get pods -o wide command displays a list of all pods in the current namespace, along with other information. Any additional information will be published alongside the results in plain language. Pods hold the name of the node. For all kubectl instructions, the ...
kubectl -n default get pods -o wide -l app="nginx" | awk '{print $7}'|\awk '{ count[$0]++ }END {printf("%-35s: %s\n","Word","Count");for(ind in count){printf("%-35s: %d\n",ind,count[ind]);}}' # 执行结果如下Word : CountNODE : 1pve-node1 : 1pve-node2 : 1 ...
i use k8s 1.3.4 on centos when i use kubectl get pods -o wide ,i find there is no ip for my pods etcdctl get /k8s/network/config {"Network":""} flannel0: flags=81<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING> mtu 1472 inet netmask destination ...
使用kubectl 管理 Kubernetes 容器平台,使用kubectl管理Kubernetes容器平台[root@master~]#kubectlgetpods-nkube-system-owide//命名空间kube-systemNamespace/nsNodes/nodeDeployment/deployPods/pod/po实验拓扑图当前集群构成:一主,两个minion构
kubectl -n default get pods -o wide -l app="nginx" | awk '{print $7}'|\awk '{ count[$0]++ }END {printf("%-35s: %s\n","Word","Count");for(ind in count){printf("%-35s: %d\n",ind,count[ind]);}}' # 执行结果如下Word : CountNODE : 1pve-node1 : 1pve-node2 : 1...