kubectl get pods -o wide kubernetes-dashboard-76479d66bb-nj8wr -n kube-system # 获取所有deployment kubectl get deployment -all # 查看kube-system namespace下面的pod/svc/deployment 等等(-o wide 选项可以查看存在哪个对应的节点) kubectl get pod /svc/deployment -n kube-system # 列出该 namespace...
kubectl get pods -A -o wide kubectl describe pod edgedns-xxx -n openname kubectl exec -it pod_name /bin/sh kubectl exec mypod -c pod -it -- /bin/sh kubectl logs mypod -f -n openname KUBE_EDITOR="vim" kubectl edit pod af -n ngc 网络 kubectl get subnets 三. kubectl命令行工具...
6.1、查看所有命名空间运行的pod信息: kubectl get pods -A 6.2、查看所有命名空间运行的pod详细信息: kubectl get pods -A -o wide 6.3、 查看所有资源对象:kubectl get all -A 6.4、查看node节点上的标签:kube get nodes --show-labels 6.5、查看pod节点上的标签:kubectl get pods --show-labels -A 6.6...
kubectl get pods -o wide 是一个在 Kubernetes 集群中用于列出所有 pods 的命令,并且会显示比默认输出更多的详细信息。以下是关于这个命令的详细解释: 命令的用途: kubectl get pods -o wide 命令用于列出当前命名空间(namespace)下的所有 pods,并且会提供比默认输出更多的详细信息。这对于需要深入了解 pod 状态的...
11 kubectl get pod -n kube-system 12 # 获取指定名称空间中的指定pod 13 kubectl get pod -n kube-system podName 14 # 获取所有名称空间的pod 15 kubectl get pod -A 16 # 查看pod的详细信息,以yaml格式或json格式显示 17 kubectl get pods -o yaml ...
kubectl get pods -o wide # 显示pod的IP地址及Pod所在的Node节点机器主机名称 kubectl get pods -A # 显示所有命名空间下的pod信息,并在第一列展示命名空间 kubectl get pods # 不指定命名空间,则只显示默认 default,等价于 kubectl get pods -n default ...
$ kubectl describe pods <rc-name> // Start streaming the logs from pod <pod-name>. This is similar to the'tail -f'Linux command. $ kubectl logs -f <pod-name> Kubectl plugins kubectl plugin用来封装复杂的kubectl命令,可以是任何语言创建的可执行程序,以kubectl-为前缀命名。
Kubectl Get Pods -o Wide The get pods -o wide command displays a list of all pods in the current namespace, along with other information. Any additional information will be published alongside the results in plain language. Pods hold the name of the node. ...
kubectl delete node <node_name>: Delete a node or multiple nodes kubectl top node: Display Resource usage (CPU/Memory/Storage) for nodes kubectl describe nodes | grep Allocated -A 5: Resource allocation per node kubectl get pods -o wide | grep <node_name>: Pods running on a node ...
i use k8s 1.3.4 on centos when i use kubectl get pods -o wide ,i find there is no ip for my pods etcdctl get /k8s/network/config {"Network":""} flannel0: flags=81<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING> mtu 1472 inet netmask destination ...