drain Drain node in preparation for maintenance taint Update the taints on one or more nodes Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands: describe Show details of a specific resource or group of resources logs Print the logs for a container in a pod attach Attach to a running container exec Execute a...
kubectl cordon NODE [options] uncordon Mark node as schedulable 将节点标记为可调度。 kubectl uncordon NODE [options] drain Drain node in preparation for maintenance 腾空节点以准备维护。(驱逐node上的pod,其他节点重新创建) kubectl drain NODE [options] taint Update thetaintson one or more nodes 更新...
Node:计算节点,包括 Kubelet、Kube-Proxy、Container Runtime 等 Add-On:除 Master、Node 的核心组件外还有一些推荐的可选组件,如 DNS、Dashboard、CNI 等等 API Server:资源操作的唯一入口,REST API,无论外部如 kubectl 还是内部如 scheduler、controller、etcd、kubelet 都是通过 API Server 通信,支持 authentication...
proxyCmd.PreRun =func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string){ kubeConfigFlags.WrapConfigFn =nil} 创建7大分组命令 1. 基础初级命令 Basic Commands (Beginner): 代码 { Message:"Basic Commands (Beginner):", Commands: []*cobra.Command{ create.NewCmdCreate(f, ioStreams), expose.NewCmdExposeService(...
no:Node pvc:PersistentVolumeClaim pv:PersistentVolume po:Pod rc:ReplicationController sa:ServiceAccount svc:Service ds:DaemonSet deploy:Deployment rs:ReplicaSet sts:StatefulSet cj:CronJob 输出选项 kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] -o=<output_format> ...
uncordon Mark nodeasschedulable drain Drain nodeinpreparationformaintenance taint Update the taints on one or more nodes Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands: describe Show details of a specific resource or group of resources logs Print the logsfora containerina pod ...
Delete a node or multiple nodes kubectl delete node <node_name> Display Resource usage (CPU/Memory/Storage) for nodes kubectl top node Resource allocation per node kubectl describe nodes | grep Allocated -A5 Pods running on a node kubectl get pods -o wide | grep <node_name> ...
SergeyKanzhelev removed this from Triage in SIG Node Bugs Aug 30, 2023 avivkachlon commented Nov 4, 2023 • edited Your solution doesn't work for us, we use eks version 1.25 that run on codebuild, which is not supported interactive commands. when we run this command: kubectl exec ...
choose any of ipc, mount, pid, net, utskubectl node-shell<node>--no-ipc#Execute custom commandkubectl node-shell<node>--echo123#Use stdincat /etc/passwd|kubectl node-shell<node>-- sh -c'cat > /tmp/passwd'#Run oneliner scriptkubectl node-shell<node>-- sh -c'cat /tmp/passwd; rm...
If you use one master node, run this command to create the metrics-server: kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml If you have HA (High availability) cluster, use this: kubectl apply -f https://git...