kubectl exec -it -n my-ns my-pod sh error: unable to upgrade connection: error dialing backend: dial tcp connect: connection refused 1. 2. 其他的pod可以正常进入。十分费解。但是可以确认的是,能够进入的pod配置了对应的service包暴露服务,而不能进入的pod配置是nodeport方式暴露. ku...
rc2. After that upgrade, "kubectl exec" stopped working. I have since upgraded to 1.10.1 and still receive the same error. I also reran the upgrade using rke v0.1.6-rc3. To perform the upgrades, I update the "kubernetes_version: " in the cluster config and then just run "rke up"....
虚拟机新部署的k8s集群执行kubectl logs、exec报错 [root@k8smain01 ~]# kubectl exec -it deploy-nginx-8458f6dbbb-vc2jd -- basherror: unable to upgrade connection: pod doesnotexist [root@k8smain01 ~]# kubectl logs nginx-testErrorfromserver(NotFound): the server couldnotfind the requestedresource...
kubectl create clusterrolebinding system:anonymous --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:anonymous 重新实现,发现可以啦,进入pod完美。
root@master1:~# kubectl logs pod-nameErrorfrom server(NotFound):the server couldnotfind the requested resource(pods/log kubia-manual)root@master1:~# kubectl exec -it pod-name /bin/basherror:unable to upgrade connection:pod doesnotexist
按照v1.10.2 版本的文档装了很多遍,整个过程很顺利。但是 "08-部署DNS插件" 中的 kubectl exec nginx -i -t -- /bin/bash 时返回 error: unable to upgrade connection: Unauthorized。从 dashboard 中 exec 进入 pod 也报该错误。未能找到原因,请作者帮忙分析分析。
[root@cicd yml]# kubectl exec -it mypod4 sh error: unable to upgrade connection: container not found ("mypod") 如果报此错,则是因为创建的pod不成功,即error或者正在创建中。 创建完毕后,我们进入mypod4的/etc/foo路径查看。 以Volume 方式使用的 Secret 支持动态更新:Secret 更新后,容器中的数据也...
upgradeaware.go:261]Connecting to backendproxy(intercepting redirects)[Connection:[Upgrade]Content-Length:[0]Upgrade:[SPDY/3.1]User-Agent:[kubectl/v1.12.10(dar...
kubectl exec -it <pod> --namespace=<namespace> -c <container> -- ls -l I got the following error: error: unable to upgrade connection: Unauthorized Did I missed anything while executing kubectl exec command ?? Please help. docker kubernetes kubectl Share Improve this question Follow...