kubectl describe po -l name=myLabel -kubectl exec 在容器中执行命令。 语法: $ exec (POD | TYPE/NAME) [-c CONTAINER] [flags] -- COMMAND [args...] 示例: kubectl exec mypod date kubectl exec mypod -c ruby-container -i -t -- bash -il -kubectl logs 用来获取容器中的日志。 语法: $...
kubectl exec用于在一个正在运行的容器执行命令。跟 docker 的 exec 命令类似。 多容器 Pod 可通过kubectl.kubernetes.io/default-containerannotation 配置 kubectl 命令的默认容器。 # Get output from running 'date' from pod 123456-7890, using the first container by defaultkubectlexec123456-7890date# Get ou...
首先解决本文的问题,执行以下命令: [root@k8s ~]# kubectl create clusterrolebinding serviceaccount-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:serviceaccount:kubernetes-dashboard:kubernetes-dashboardclusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/serviceaccount-cluster-admin created 然后我们再看刚才访问...
su -m has it's own issues (the home dir is wrong), but I did make it work in the meantime. The point though is - that's why I posted it here - is that I'd like to see "kubectl exec" do the right thing. Maybe even use the user that the docker file defines. 👍 1 js...
Kubernetes 提供 kubectl 是使用 Kubernetes API 与 Kubernetes 集群的控制面进行通信的命令行工具。 这个工具叫做 kubectl。 针对配置信息,kubectl 在 $HOME/.kube 目录中查找一个名为 config 的配置文件。 你可以通过设置 KUBECONFIG 环境变量或设置 --kubeconfig ...
edit exec explain expose [root@k8s-master ~]# kubectl exec - --add-dir-header --kubeconfig= --request-timeout --alsologtostderr --log-backtrace-at --request-timeout= --as --log-backtrace-at= -s --as= --log-dir --server ...
API Server 收到请求,绑定到PodExecOptions: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // PodExecOptions is the query options to a Pod's remote exec calltype PodExecOptions struct {metav1.TypeMeta// Stdin if true indicates that stdin is to be redirected for the exec callStdin bool// Stdout if true indicates...
kubectl exec- 对 Pod 中的容器执行命令。 #从 Pod <pod-name> 中获取运行 'date' 的输出。默认情况下,输出来自第一个容器。kubectlexec<pod-name> -- date# 运行输出 'date' 获取在 Pod <pod-name> 中容器 <container-name> 的输出。kubectlexec<pod-name> -c <container-name> -- date# 获取一个...
42.484383 118938 round_trippers.go:466] curl -v -XGET -H "Accept: application/json;as=Table;v=v1;g=meta.k8s.io,application/json;as=Table;v=v1beta1;g=meta.k8s.io,application/json" -H "User-Agent: kubectl/v1.23.4 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/e6c093d" '
Like kubectl exec, but offers a --user flag to exec as root (or any other user) 'ssh' is a misnomer (it works by mounting a docker socket as a volume), but it's easier to work with as a command. You must be in the same namespace as the target pod or you can use-n namesp...