kubectl cpcontainer 文件到本地 host 报错: $ kubectlcptest/po-test-pod-0:/tmp ./ -c ctr-test-container time="2023-12-20T02:17:29Z"level=error msg="exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: \"tar\": executable file not found in$PATH"commandterminated withexitcode 255 1....
要将.tar文件复制到容器中,可以使用kubectl cp命令并使用-c选项指定容器的名称。例如,要将source.tar.gz文件复制到名为my-pod的Pod的/destination目录中,可以运行以下命令: 其中,<container-name>是要复制到的容器的名称。 要从容器中复制.tar文件到本地文件系统,可以运行类似的kubectl cp命令。例如,要将名为...
command terminated with exit code 1 This tar is around 32GB in size and I am guessing this is some misleading error because even if the tar file was invalid, what does kubectl cp have to do with it anyway. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated. Note that I have 2 pods ...
发现kubectl cp的时候发现了如下的错误. 代码语言:txt 复制 k cp my-pod-57754bbd9d-nqt2x:/var/www/html/config.yaml tar: Removing leading `/' from member names error: open .: is a directory 解决方案 有两种解法 1. 硬刚 这个问题本质是个kubectl的bug, kubectl cp的时候, 是从work dir开始的...
Runningkubectl cpoccasionally fails with the error: error: archive/tar: invalid tar headerwith exit code 1. The docs say you can retry when an error occurs using --retry. The retry works, but it's not retrying the full amount of times. ...
kubectl cp -n test-ns test-service-7f6c796f57-jl8zz:app.jar /Users/xxx/app.jar --kubeconfig=/Users/xxx/my.yaml --retries=-1 可能出现的错误。原因是远程镜像说没有tar命令。 sh: tar: command not found kubectl exec 对于没有tar命令的镜像可以使用kubectl exec命令。
# image. If 'tar' is not present, 'kubectl cp' will fail. 语法: # Copy /tmp/foo_dir local directory to /tmp/bar_dir in a remote pod in the default namespace kubectl cp /tmp/foo_dir <some-pod>:/tmp/bar_dir # Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in a ...
2. kubectl cp 用于pod和外部的文件交换,比如如下示例了如何在进行内外文件交换 3 kubernetes1.16:cs接口废弃,如何查看集群状态 参考 kubectl 命令技巧大全 Kubctl 命令是操作 kubernetes 集群的最直接和最 skillful 的途径,这个60多MB大小的二进制文件,到底有啥能耐呢?请看下文: ...
If 'tar' is not present, 'kubectl cp' will fail. 语法: # Copy /tmp/foo_dir local directory to /tmp/bar_dir in a remote pod in the default namespace kubectl cp /tmp/foo_dir <some-pod>:/tmp/bar_dir # Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in a specific ...
bin boot dev dump_ops_in_flight.txt etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin session_ls.txt srv sys tmp usr var $ kubectl cp mypod1:/dump_ops_in_flight.txt dump_ops_in_flight.txt tar: Removing leading `/' from member names ...