简介:【K8S系列】第八讲:Kubernetes 之kubectl 常用命令汇总 kubectl 是 Kubernetes 自带的客户端,可以用它来直接操作 Kubernetes 集群。 日常在使用 Kubernetes 的过程中,kubectl 工具应该是最常用的工具了。需要了解下如何高效的使用它。 官方介绍: Command line tool (kubectl) | Kubernetes 本文总结了一些常用命令,...
For installation instructions, seeInstalling kubectl; for a quick guide, see thecheat sheet. If you're used to using thedockercommand-line tool,kubectlfor Docker Usersexplains some equivalent commands for Kubernetes. 有关安装说明,请参见安装kubectl;有关快速指南,请参阅备忘单。如果您习惯于使用docker...
kubectl is a command line tool for Kubernetes clusters. You can install kubectl on any node and run kubectl commands to operate your Kubernetes clusters.For details about
kubectl 是 Kubernetes 自带的客户端,可以用它来直接操作 Kubernetes 集群。 日常在使用 Kubernetes 的过程中,kubectl 工具应该是最常用的工具了。需要了解下如何高效的使用它。 官方介绍: Command line tool (kubectl) | Kubernetes 本文总结了一些常用命令,供学习使用 一、kubetcl简单介绍 在控制台输入 kubectl --he...
参考链接:Command line tool (kubectl) | KubernetesKubernetes provides a command line tool for communicating with a Kubernetes cluster's control plane, using the Kubernetes API.This tool is named kubectl.For configuration, kubectl looks for a file named config in the $HOME/.kube directory....
The kubectl command-line utility is a powerful tool, and you will use it to create objects and interact with the Kubernetes API. Before that, however, it makes sense to go over the basic kubectl commands that apply to all Kubernetes objects. Namespaces Kubernetes uses namespaces to organize ob...
kubectl is the command-line tool in Kubernetes that lets you run commands against Kubernetes clusters, deploy and modify cluster resources. Containers and pods do not always terminate when an application fails. In such cases, you need to explicitly restart the Kubernetes pods. There is no such ...
Command-line tools are the Swiss Army knives of the developers. You can connect to back-end systems, run complex commands, and automate your daily tasks with them. The official command-line tool for Kubernetes is kubectl. As the god of gates Janus in mythology, kubectl is the god of ...
The Kubernetes command-line tool,kubectl, allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. You can use kubectl to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs. kubectl是k8s的命令行工具,允许你使用命令在k8s集群上运行。
This chapter describes how to set up the Kubernetes CLI (kubectl). Thekubectlcommand is part of Kubernetes and is used to create and manage the containerized applications you deploy on the Kubernetes cluster. Thekubectlutility is a command line tool that interfaces with the Kubernetes API server...