I suspect the subsequent 403 is caused by the proxy's configuration as defined in configmap{{ template "kube-state-metrics.fullname" . }}-rbac-config. It requires that a client fulfill the following RBAC: namespace: {{ template "kube-state-metrics.namespace" . }} apiVersion: v1 resource...
This would help us for metrics like kube_node_status_condition and kube_pod_status_phase where we have many nodes * conditions/pods * phases, but vast majority are always 0 and we only really care about conditions that are True. Member ricardoapl commented Apr 30, 2024 For the True/Fals...
kube_pod_status_reason{container="kube-state-metrics", endpoint="http", instance="", job="kube-state-metrics", namespace="ingress-nginx", pod="ingress-nginx-controller-f5rmk", reason="NodeAffinity", service="prometheus-kube-state-metrics", uid="29cd7cc2-86d4-4a9d-85...
The code which does this is here: https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/blob/master/internal/store/persistentvolumeclaim.go#L118 thanks so much,is there going to add the status in the future? or the metric didn't cover this status when design it ? :) anyway than you ...
The metrics for kube_pod_status_ready are probably less useful than they can be because they include completed pods, which are dead. So all completed pods are always "unready", but to an end user looking at them to determine health of the cluster, they're meaningless. Completed pods are...
What this PR does / why we need it: Sets the kube_job_status_failed metric when a job's conditions are empty. Previously, the metric was only being set while iterating through a job's conditions, t...
Hello, With 0.2.0 release, it seems that kube_node_status_allocateable_memory_bytes and kube_node_status_capacity_memory_bytes report same values for nodes (with pod scheduled with required memory). I'm looking to get available or reserv...
What happened? I was looking at the metrics exposed by the kube-apiserver and noticed that some of the apiserver_request_total metrics had a status code set to 0 in Kubernetes 1.23. Looking a bit more into the metrics, I noticed that it ...