cp $PWD/${UserName}.config /home/${UserName}/.kube/config chown ${UserName}.${UserName}/home/${UserName}/.kube/config chmod 600 /home/${UserName}/.kube/config echo "kubernetes The configuration file location is $PWD/${UserName}.config"echo "test command:KUBECONFIG=$PWD/${UserName}.conf...
Kubectl interacts with the kubernetes cluster using the details available in the Kubeconfig file. By default, kubectl looks for the config file in the/.kubelocation. Let’s move the kubeconfig file to the .kube directory. Replace/path/to/kubeconfigwith your kubeconfig current path. mv /path/...
BBBB-BBBB-BBBBBBBBBBBB/resourcegroups/aksansibletest/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aksansibletest", "kube_config": "apiVersion: ...", "location": "eastus", "name": "aksansibletest", "properties": { "agentPoolProfiles": [ { "count": 3, "maxPods": 110, "name": ...
kubectl create configmap txt-config \ --from-file=/root/kubernetes/configmap/txt/configmapdir1 \ --from-file=/root/kubernetes/configmap/txt/configmapdir2 1. 2. 3. 3、查看信息 方式一 kubectl get cm txt-config -o yaml 1. 方法二: kubectl describe cm txt-config 1. 四、以字面形式创建cm ...
三种姿势创建Kubeconfig 我们下面创建一个对defaults ns只读的用户 Token方式创建用户(通过serviceAccount) 创建一个ServiceAccount 用户 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ cat service_account.yamlapiVersion:v1kind:ServiceAccountmetadata:name:zsf-test-usernamespace:default$ kubectl apply-f service_account.yaml ...
BBBB-BBBB-BBBBBBBBBBBB/resourcegroups/aksansibletest/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aksansibletest", "kube_config": "apiVersion: ...", "location": "eastus", "name": "aksansibletest", "properties": { "agentPoolProfiles": [ { "count": 3, "maxPods": 110, "name": ...
withExtendedLocation public KubeEnvironmentInner withExtendedLocation(ExtendedLocation extendedLocation) Set the extendedLocation property: Extended Location. Parameters: extendedLocation - the extendedLocation value to set. Returns: the KubeEnvironmentInner object itself....
5 Kubetrim Kubetrim is a command-line tool designed to automatically clean up your Kubernetes configuration file (KUBECONFIG) Non-Categorize Sr NoTool NameDescription with URLGitHub Popularity 1 Rudr A Kubernetes implementation of the Open Application Model specification 2 Keel Kubernetes Operator to...
56 kubernetes-replicator Kubernetes controller for synchronizing secrets & config maps across namespaces 57 node-gizmo A CLI utility for your Kubernetes nodes 58 KubeBlocks open-source control plane that runs and manages databases, message queues and other data infrastructure on K8s. 59 KFtray Ma...
public ExtendedLocation extendedLocation() Get the extendedLocation property: Extended Location. Returns: the extendedLocation value.internalLoadBalancerEnabled public Boolean internalLoadBalancerEnabled() Get the internalLoadBalancerEnabled property: Only visible within Vnet/Subnet. Returns: the internalLoadBala...