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Hotel pick-up service is unavailable for the tour date of 5-6 October 2024 due to a roadblock for the Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon. You are still able to join the tour by booking Meet Up at Location package Explore Melaka, the capital of the 'The Historic State' of Malaysia,...
所以今天就决定了下一站:Penang Bridge International Marathon. 可是, 我要开始重新锻炼我生锈的膝盖了. 希望下次的马拉松可以跑完全程. 下次的目标: 5小时以内. 今天看到人家放了一个旗帜: Pain is Temporary, Pride is Forever. Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2012 Tracking Result Standard Chartered Ku...
初马就这样给了吉隆坡渣打马拉松十周年 (Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon, SCKLM 2018),也同时完成了我想参加一场正式全马的心愿~♥ 三年前跑过一场非正式全马,在完全没有训练的情况下硬着头皮完赛,那过程里所经历的痛苦依然历历在目,自此不敢再贸贸然参加全马赛事,所以每年看到朋友参加 SCKLM 时我...