The sample chosen for this study consists of 360 Form Four student from 10 secondary schools in Kuala Muda, District of Kedah. The questionnaire has three section. Section A is composed of 6 questions related to demographic characteristic of the student. Section B is compose of 13 questions to...
Based on this result, SAR administrators are recommended to improve their management knowledge and skill in school management. All SAR are also have to cooperate and perform a board (Yayasan) which will plan, organize and control the quality of SAR.Hj. Yahya Faridah...
Menilai Literasi Komputer dan Sikap Terhadap Komputer Guru-Guru Sekolah Menengah di Daerah Kuala Muda/Yan. Universiti Utara Malaysia.Mansur K. (1997), Menilai Literasi Komputer dan Sikap Terhadap Komputer Guru-Guru Sekolah Menengah di Daerah Kuala Muda/Y...
The purpose of this study was to explore secondary school teachers' computer literacy and attitude toward computers in the district of Kuala Muda/Yan, Kedah. The mean score for computer literacy and attitude toward computers were correlated and compared based on various demographic information. ...
Hubungan Antara Tekanan Pengurusan Dengan Gaya Kepimpinan Di kalangan Guru Besar Di Daerah Kuala Muda, Yan, KedahThe objective of the study is to identify the relationship between administrative stress and the style of leadership of headmaster in the district...