快手举报专线: 4000066666|未成年人关怀热线: 4001502277| 举报邮箱: support@kuaishou.com 营业执照|增值电信业务经营许可证|网络文化经营许可证|广播电视节目制作经营许可证 www.kuaishou.com 2022 @ All rights Reserved 京ICP备15023266号-136 京公网安备 11010802038443号 ...
However, he continues to serve as executive director and chairman of Kuaishou Technology, committed to formulating long-term strategy and exploring new directions. Cheng Yixiao CHENG Yixiao is the co-founder, executive director and CEO of Kuaishou Technology. He is also a member of the Nominating...
快手举报专线: 4000066666|未成年人关怀热线: 4001502277| 举报邮箱: support@kuaishou.com 营业执照|增值电信业务经营许可证|网络文化经营许可证|广播电视节目制作经营许可证|人力资源服务许可证 www.kuaishou.com 2022 @ All rights Reserved 京ICP备15023266号-136 京公网安备 11010802038443号 ...
Kuaishou serves to record and share videos taken by all users. “Authentic, Diverse, Beautiful and Beneficial” is our core value and everyone’s lives are worth recording. Our motto is to “embrace all lifestyles.” It is the foundation of our philosophy and guides our aspirations. We wish...
The Investor Relations website contains information about Kuaishou Technology's business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts.
ESG風險評估:快手建立了供應商ESG風險評估體系,確保供應商在環境保護、職業健康與安全、商業道德和社會責任等方面符合快手的標準。 績效考核:快手對供應商進行績效考核,涵蓋技術、質量、響應、交付、成本等多個維度,以促進供應商在提供服務的過程中遵守環保和社會責任標準。
快手(Kuaishou)最新版怎么清屏? 1、点击三个点 在快手(Kuaishou)直播间页面,点击下方的三个点。 2、点击清屏 进入到菜单页面点击清屏。 3、显示清屏 即可进入到清屏模式。 快手(Kuaishou)最新版如何保存视频到手机? 1、在手机桌面上打开软件,找到自己喜欢的短视频,点击视频,进入播放观看界面。