PhD Low-power ASIC design for IoT security 用于物联网安全的低功率ASIC设计博士 KU Leuven Faculty of Engineering Technology organises bachelor and master degrees in Engineering Technology on six campuses across Flanders, Belgium. This vacancy is situated in the research group Emerging technologies, Syste...
排名上看,QS综合排名八十, THE排名四十八, Reuters创新性大学排名欧洲第一。 鲁汶大学共有15个院系,科研领可以分为三大类Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), 和 Biomedical Sciences,其实放在理工科名校来讲不太恰当,因为它是真材实料的综合性大学。学校拥有49个本科项目,13...
Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) Biomedical Sciences Group, KU Leuven KU Leuven Research & Development (LRD) Science, Engineering and Technology Group (SET), KU Leuven Affiliated joint institutions and consortia Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling (CR3) EURON...
#90in Engineering #145in Environmental Engineering (tie) #115in Environment/Ecology (tie) #89in Food Science and Technology (tie) #10in Gastroenterology and Hepatology #168in Geosciences #93in Green and Sustainable Science and Technology (tie) #47in Immunology #25in Infectious Diseases (tie) #...
韩国科学技术院(朝鲜语:한국과학기술원/韓國科學技術院,英语:Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,缩写为KAIST)是一所位于韩国大田广域市的国立研究型综合大学,1971年由韩国政府创建。大学位于大田广域市的大德科学园区内,是韩国首座 ...
鲁汶天主教大学简称鲁汶大学(荷语:KU Leuven;英语:University of Leuven),详见鲁汶大学词条。是比利时久负盛名的最高学府,世界50强高校 ,欧洲历史最悠久且最受人尊敬的大学之一,也是享誉全球的世界级顶尖研究型大学。 鲁汶大学比利时最大的大学,也是欧洲著名大学之一。1425年由教皇马丁五世下令建立,是现存最古老的天主...
The Arenberg Doctoral School of Science, Engineering and Technology is the ideal hub for research areas, that are structured around four themes: Information, Matter, Life and Habitat. From infinity to atoms and from cells to people and man-made systems, the main research topics can be found ...
during more than 30 years has offered a safety study program to train safety experts at the university level, tailored to the Belgian legal requirements Recently the KU Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) adapted and expanded this program leading to the degree of master in safety engineering. ...
鲁汶大学又称荷语区鲁汶大学(荷兰语:Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,英语:Catholic University of Louvain,拉丁语:Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis,简称KUL)。是欧洲低地国家重要高等学府,也是世界著名的大 香港科技大学 香港科技大学(英文:The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,缩写:HKUST),简称香港科大,...
Scientific research group active in the field of state of the art microscopy, spectroscopy, DNA linker synthesis and photochemistry. Active at KU Leuven University.