To plan your train journey in advance, please refer to our train route table. First train 05:13 Last train 22:28 Departure station Seoul Arrival station Busan Journey time 2h 17m Distance 205 miles Price $24.12* Train operators Korail
All information about Seoul to Busan Train route in one place: travel time, distance, ticket price and the route description. Book your train tickets here!
Visit Busan Pass N Seoul Tower Ticket Busan SpaLand Ticket Busan X the SKY Validity None 48-Hour KTX train direction Busan to Seoul Seoul to Busan Quantity You can select up to9for this package AdultMinimum requirement 1 Child(1-12)
Seoul Station 3F in Front of Burgerking Train seat information and explanation of where to meet the local guide after getting off in Busan Please arrive at the location20mins before the departure time Latecomers or no-shows can't be refunded ...
1. Seoul ↔ Busan The Seoul to Busan route is one of the most popular and heavily trafficked KTX lines, connecting two of South Korea's largest cities across a distance of approximately 417 kilometers. The route boasts over 60 daily train services, with more than 40 of these being high...
首爾釜山往返交通 要往返首爾與釜山最多人使用的交通方式是「KTX」,KTX是韓國的高速鐵路,通常來到韓國要去別的城市許多人都會選擇搭乘KTX!KTX的購票方式十分地簡單,且也有很適合外國人使用的「套票」,以下會依依為大家說明。
Had an amazing day touring Seoul with Jay. There is no way we could have visited all the great parts of Seoul ourselves even if we had tried to over many weeks! It was great to eat the foods that locals eat and see the parts of Seoul that are not just fo...
Busan to Seoul Train ScheduleEarliest departure:Latest departure:Longest travel time:Shortest travel time 04:35 22:50 5 hrs 50 min 2 hrs 15 min Train Type:Category:Duration:Price:Departures KTX Bullet train 2 h 15 min From 49 EUR / 54 USD 54 daily departures. ITX Express train 4 h 40 ...
We explored Seoul, Busan Gyeongju, and Jeonju and very part of the journey was incredible. Tagy Tours, a Korean travel agency, planned the itinerary perfectly. Our guide, Henry, was not only friendly but also exceptionally knowledgeable, making the tr...
It takes 5 hours to get to Busan from Seoul by bus but KTX will take you there in 2.5 hours! Pick and choose between Select Pass and Consecutive Pass, depending on your travel needs. You can flexibly choose your train rides and you can book a maximum of 2 sitting tickets in one day...