Travelling further south, some trains continue on to Klang and the final stop, Pelabuhan Klang. You can also use these trains to travel short distances to the north with many trains going to Rawang and Tanjung Malim. Please note:You can also take anMRT train from Sungai Buloh to KL Sentral...
Rawang to Tanjung Malim KTM Komuter train timetable (jadual) > To see the full KTM Komuter timetable in the other direction from KTM Tanjung Malim: Visit our Tanjung Malim to Port Klang timetable page here > Please note:KTM Berhad also operates the much more expensive Electric Train Service ...
Sungai Buloh to Tanjung Malim KTM Komuter train timetable (jadual) > To see the full Komuter train schedule in the opposite direction from KTM Tg Malim to Sg. Buloh: Visit our Tg Malim - Port Klang (Pelabuhan Klang) route timetable page here > Please note:KTM Berhad also operate ETS tra...