In India, its price starts at Rs. 3,16,163 for the base model and goes up to Rs. 3,18,385 for the top variant. It is powered by a 373.27cc BS6 engine, which produces 42.9 bhp of power and 37 Nm of torque. The RC 390 features both front and rear disc brakes with an anti-...
giving the bike great handling characteristics. The quickshifter may be a bit of a letdown, but it still serves as a great talking point among your friends. The brakes provide good stopping power and the ABS ensures safe braking in all conditions. The 390 Duke BS6 is a great all-rounder,...
The KTM RC 390 is a sports bike available at a starting price of Rs. 3,21,173 in India. It comes in 2 variants and 3 colours. It is powered by a 373.27 cc BS6 Phase 2 engine and has a expert reported mileage of 26.6 kmpl.
The KTM 390 Duke is a street bike available at a starting price of Rs. 3,13,136 in India. It comes in 1 variant and 2 colours. It is powered by a 398.63 cc BS6 Phase 2 engine and has a expert reported mileage of 28.40 kmpl.
Best 200cc Bike in India Rahul PS | 2 years ago helpful 1 Currently i bought a Duke 200 BS6 2 weeks ago and its a good decision to buy. I am driving between 55 and 65 and getting a mileage of 40.1 km/l currently which is a good one in this segment. The headlight visibility...
The KTM RC 200 is a sports bike available at a starting price of Rs. 2,20,192 in India. It comes in 2 variants and 3 colours. It is powered by a 199.5 cc BS6 Phase 2 engine and has a expert reported mileage of 43.5 kmpl.