Sungai Buloh to Tanjung Malim KTM Komuter train timetable (jadual) > To see the full Komuter train schedule in the opposite direction from KTM Tg Malim to Sg. Buloh: Visit our Tg Malim - Port Klang (Pelabuhan Klang) route timetable page here > Please note:KTM Berhad also operate ETS tra...
All Komuter Timetables > ETS Schedules > Sungai Buloh Komuter Trains Sungai Buloh Komuter schedule southbound > Sungai Buloh Komuter timetable northbound > Sungai Buloh Station is on the Tanjung Malim – Pelabuhan Klang (Port Klang) Komuter Line / Route (laluan). These commuter services run regular...