2151 -- 1:13 App 2021 Ducati Multistrada揽途 V4 马力机测试 3201 -- 9:46 App 2021 KTM 1290 Super Adventure S 中文字幕 2.7万 10 1:07 App 2024 KTM 990公爵-灵活和强大,没有废话。 1357 -- 6:19 App 全新2023款KTM 890 Adventure R |更新、规格和新闻 中文字幕 1685 -- 2:10 App 到底...
As mentioned above, the off-road riding part of the launch was riding the upgraded R version of the 890 Adventure. For 2021 the WP Xplor kit gains refined base settings and is still one of the most impressive suspension systems on and off the road. One of the best things about the 790...
The ride doesn’t need to end when the road does. The KTM 890 ADVENTURE takes the lightweight and sporty characteristics you’d expect from a KTM ADVENTURE motorcycle to deliver a supremely capable adventure tourer – both on and off the tarmac. Now with more engine grunt, improved handling,...
KTM 澳大利亚冒险拉力赛-昆士兰州 2021(4K) - KTM Australia Adventure Rallye _ QLD Ranges 2021, 视频播放量 83、弹幕量 0、点赞数 9、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 8、转发人数 0, 视频作者 AZ828, 作者简介 zenmuzhelea修改成 AZ828。 需要互关的麻烦给个消息,或者给个评
theKTM 790 ADVENTURElineup quickened the pulse in the midweight segment. For 2021 and beyond,KTMis raising heartrates further with the launch of theKTM 890 ADVENTURE R RALLYandKTM 890 ADVENTURE Rmachines, a pair of new bikes based on new engine platforms with more power and torque, that ar...
【城市出逃计划—KTM阿拉善| ADVENTURE RALLY 】(18张图预警)·2021. 9. 21-25 这个活动太棒了·首次登陆亚洲[心]| 很酷,路线很爽,学会了用路书·顺利安全跑完全程[心]|个人总结学会找线路和保留体能是很...
2021 KTM 890 Duke RTotalmotorcycle.comFeatures and Benefits Engine & Exhaust Exhaust A stainless-steel thing of beauty. The middle damper centralizes mass and allows for a relatively small muffler that plays a dramatic soundtrack. Hundreds of test bench runs and complex simulations ensured that th...
7 cm in width, and 11 cm in height make it an ideal addition to your motorcycle's accessories. Whether you're embarking on a long-distance ride or a quick trip to the store, this bag is designed to meet your storage needs while maintaining the sleek look of your KTM 890 Adventure R...
一个月前我们给大家介绍了KTM全新的1290 Super Adventure S,这款车成为了首次标配ACC雷达辅助安全套件的摩托车。时隔一个月,KTM前不久又发布了1290 Super Adventure R版,更硬派更狂野的最强大野驴来跟大家见面了。采用全新的黄白蓝版画设计,使用更适合非铺装的辐条轮毂,前轮尺寸为21寸,与S版有着明显的区分。
新型KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S对底盘进行了大升级,进一步增强了重量分布和乘坐时的灵活性。通过将转向头向后移动15 mm并重新调整了发动机的前部,可获得更清晰的转弯感。较长的开放式晶格摆臂有助于加速时的稳定。副车架经过精心设计可提供较低的座椅高度的同时不会牺牲耐用性。 3楼2021-01-31 20:26 回复 璐...