KTLA is Southern California's top source for breaking news, weather, entertainment and live streaming video from Los Angeles. KTLA is LA’s Very Own since 1947.
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KTLA is a broadcast television station with a focus on news, weather, and entertainment coverage. The station offers a range of services including news reporting, weather forecasts, traffic updates, and live video streaming for various events and stories. KTLA primarily serves the general public wit...
I live in Nipomo CA. I am a seven day a week watcher and have been for many, many years. Your anchors and reporters are the best! Their humor makes my day. News can be depressing at times and their energy and caring of others cuts that depression. We have never lived in the L.A...
196 -- 50:28 App 卡米洛Camilo - A Day In The Live演唱会 76 -- 3:37 App 【以色列】Moshiko Mor & Hatel - You Judge Me | Live from Caesarea浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】3804-274号 广播电视...
Get live video when news breaks and push notifications to keep you informed. We offer in-depth coverage of Southern California — including Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties — along with the most interesting and important stories from the rest of the country ...
Steve Edwards, the morning anchor of Fox's Los Angeles-based KTTV station, has been let go by the news channel. ... The longtime anchor was reportedly fired after allegations of sexual harassment were made against him, according to a report from FTV Live. Who is Michaela Pereira replacing...
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“They put a dish on top of the airplane--that’s been done before so it doesn’t require wind tests,” explained KTLA news director Jeff Wald. “We had hoped to do live video out of it and we think it could work, but we would have to put a dish on the bottom of the plane ...
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