Residential COMMERCIAL
Vi går meget op i æstetik og det visuelle udtryk af en hjemmeside som mennesker, især her i Skandinavien. Æstetik og design forblænder os af og til, og ofte tænker designerne slet ikke på den kommercielle hensigt, når de udarbejder designet til webshops. Jeg...
22【教程】第20章-单片机开发常用工具的使用本站下载腾讯微云迅雷云盘【提取码:9593】B站优酷 23【教程】扩展教程-PCB设计基础指南腾讯微云迅雷云盘【提取码:453a】B站优酷 24电路板绘图软件AltiumDesigner13精简版腾讯微云迅雷云盘【提取码:5bsa】
NamePatcherProgressWindow.Designer.cs NamePatcherProgressWindow.cs NamePatcherProgressWindow.resx NoCDPatch.cs OffsetCalculator.Designer.cs OffsetCalculator.cs OffsetCalculator.resx Patcher.cs PatcherForm.Designer.cs PatcherForm.cs PatcherForm.resx ...
Altium Designer实例例程,国外一款处理器原理图+pcb原文件,是学习AD软件范例,画图规范,层次分明。 上传者:hmf1235789时间:2018-11-16 STM32F107+FREERTOS+LWIP+RMII_DM9161AEP+SPI_SD_FATFS+USART 此为STM32F107+FreeRtos+LWIP+FATFS的demo工程,SD卡读取方式为SPI。使用的PHY为:DM9161AEP,并编写了一个嵌入式WEBserver...
The designer should provide quiet, noise-free power to these pins. This supplies power to the digital logic. It is recommended to connect this pin to the VD supply. The ground return for all on-chip circuitry. It is recommended that the AD9984A be assembled on a single solid ground ...
The designer should provide quiet, noise-free power to these pins. GND Ground The ground return for all circuitry on-chip. It is recommended that the AD9883A be assembled on a single solid ground plane, with careful attention given to ground current paths. DESIGN GUIDE General Description The...
矿山设计是矿产资源开发中的一个阶段,也是矿山建设的一个重要环节。利用MineCycle Designer矿产设计BIM软件不仅可以提高矿采安全性,优化矿产计划的经济效益,还具有以下优势: ·优化选取设计,改善矿石吨位、剥采比和开采距离; ·动态矿产规划,优化设计、人员管理和预算; ...
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