当你遇到“ksql: command not found”这个错误时,通常意味着ksql(Kafka SQL)没有被正确安装,或者其安装路径没有被添加到系统的环境变量中。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 确认ksql是否已经正确安装: 首先,你需要确认ksql是否已经被安装在你的系统上。可以通过查看安装目录或者使用包管理器(如apt、yum等,具体取决于...
the core abstraction is not the table; it is the log. The tables are merely derived from the log and updated continuously as new data arrives in the log. The central log is Kafka and KSQL is the engine
allow assert values command to check partial columns (#9463) (81a138c) Fix VALUE_SCHEMA_ID to work with Avro optional fields #8919 (54acc05) Ignore schema id while creating internal schemas #9163 (1b327c6) throw an exception if schema not found from SR during INSERT (#9457) (49bb8d4...
Support for IF NOT EXISTS on CREATE CONNECTOR (#6036) (8466197) Support IF NOT EXISTS on CREATE TYPE (#6173) (a0f381b) support PARTITION BY NULL for creating keyless stream (#6096) (81e3142) surface error to user when command topic deleted while server running (#6240) (c5d6b56) Per...
...java.io.FileNotFoundException: File 'holiday.txt' does not exist 即: 在打包后, 一开始配置的路径src/main/resources下无法找到该文件..., Maven 项目中的jar, 以及当前项目打包后的jar等(如下图) 而 classPathResource.getInputStream 在获取资源文件时, 因为上面我们初始化了一个classLoader...因此...
{ // game was not found ctx.status(404); return; } // game was found, so return the high scores ctx.json(highScores.toList()); return; } // a remote instance has the key String remoteHost = metadata.activeHost().host(); int remotePort = metadata.activeHost().port(); String ...
The last part of the stream definition I wanted to fix is the settings ofKEYandTIMESTAMP: aKEYis the unique identifier of a message and, if not declared, is auto-generated by Kafka. However the tweet JSON contains theIdwhich is Twitter's unique identifier, so we should to use it.TIMEST...
As an aside, it almost seems to me like we should have some 'private' config that gets written to the command topic, but which users can't change via server.properties or via property overrides. ksql-engine/src/main/java/io/confluent/ksql/planner/plan/StructuredDataSourceNode.java super(...
The following command assumes that you have your adaptedapplication.propertiesinside the same folder: docker run -d \ -p 8080:8080 \ --name KCenter \ -v ${PWD}/application.properties:/opt/app/kafka-center/config/application.properties \ xaecbd/kafka-center:2.3.0 ...