请问KSQL使用case when语法怎么用,这个语句在编辑器里面运行没问题,放到这里提示这个
case when s.fOtherMoney>0 then "+" case when c.fWFItemName='公积金' then "+" case when '"+fJFFS+"'='当月缴当月' then "+" case when "+fMonth+" in (s.fOtherMonth) then s.fOtherMoney "+" else 0"+" end "+" else case when "+fDownMonth+" ...
CREATE STREAM processed_stream AS SELECT CASE WHEN user_id IS NULL THEN 'default_user_id' ELSE user_id END AS user_id, other_field1, other_field2 FROM your_stream_name; 在这个例子中,processed_stream是一个新的流,它包含了一个处理过的user_id字段。如果原始user_id字段为空,则新字段会被赋...
CLI v5.1.2, Server v5.1.2 located at Having trouble? Type 'help' (case-insensitive) for a rundown of how things work! ksql> show streams; Stream Name | Kafka Topic | Format --- EC_BOT_DETECTION | EC_bot_detection.replica | JSON DEMO | trumantest | JSON...
WHEN …表达式。 语法 sim_whn ::= { WHEN val_exp THEN [ NULL | val_exp ] } […n] 参数 注释 sc_whn ( searched case when)子句 带搜索的CASE … WHEN …表达式。 语法 sc_whn ::= { WHEN sc_sta THEN [ NULL | val_exp ] } […n] 参数 注释 该语法(带条件的CASE …...
Reduce log level when loading blacklist to INFO from ERROR (#1522) 7年前 findbugs chore: suppress RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED_NO_SIDE_EFFECT in SourceBuilde… 1年前 js docs: move docs-md to docs and retire rst docs (DOCS-3506) (#5120) ...
KSQL does not accept more queries when running QueryLimit - 1 queries (#5461) (d64f1bc) make stream and column names case-insensitive in /inserts-stream (#5591) (e9e3042) NPE in latest_by_offset if first element being processed has null… (#4975) (a9668d2) Prevent memory leaks cause...
Take a look at some ksqlDB use case recipes for examples of common patterns. Documentation See the ksqlDB documentation for the latest stable release. Use Cases and Examples Materialized views ksqlDB allows you to define materialized views over your streams and tables. Materialized views are define...
Oracle 转换是用 to_char(TSISK.Fdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') 那KSQL通用的语句是什么? KSQL支持下面这个函数吗? case when (sum(ISNULL(A.OUTAMOUNT, 0.00)) - sum(ISNULL(A.RETURNAMOUNT, 0.00))) = 0 then 0.0 else ((sum(ISNULL(A.OUTAMOUNT, 0.00)) - ...