)is_done=Falseact={"burn_vec": [1.0,0,0,1.0],# burn vector in x, y, z, and duration [s]"vec_type":0,# burn vector as throttle values (if =1, burn vector represents thrust in [N])"ref_frame":0# burn_vec expressed in agent vessel's right-handed body frame.# i.e. ...
Modifications in attention and rules simultaneously and substantially increased error rates and reaction times. On a neurological scale, both types of alterations correlated with a pervasive reduction in alpha power, particularly in the parietal cortex. An interaction effect, subadditive in nature, was ...
This example walks through how to evaluate agents for scoring purpose in the AIAA SciTech 2024 Challenge. Due to the GUI-based interface of KSP that requires manual interaction, there is not a straight-forward process for hosting a centralized evaluation server upon which participants can submit ...