最后去https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/tree/Developmental,操作同上面Testflight 三.UP主安装的其它MOD做完上面的部分,你就可以玩KSP1.3.1版本下的RP-1了,是不是很辛苦呢? 然后UP主在这基础之上打了以下这些MOD,具体版本号没有考证,这个列表是UP主通过对照GameData文件夹而得来的。RSSVE+Scatter这套MOD安装时需...
会存在不兼容的情况. 而虽然1.8.1版本中使用kRPC会有ui和draw不能用的问题 (会影响debug), 但是对飞行器控制是没有影响的, 所以不在回退到更早的版本. 这里期待一波KSP2, 据说是有老KSP玩家参与进去开发了, 说不定可以在发行的时候就能玩到的mod, 例如RSS (Real Solar System)等. ...
** This passage does not include the actual PID loop control programming in rocket guidance unit , but it indeed gives out a correct ascent pitch program . You can write kOS scripts ( in KSP-RSS-RO ) to aim for accuracy . Also this passage is not very quantitative , it is only writte...
KSP 1.8.1 w/ RSS, RO, RP-1 and other assorted mods. Ok... so I finally managed the frankly epic achievement of 'simply' getting into orbit and I've unlocked a lovely array of satellite contracts. One of these is the First Weather Satellite which is askin
@Katniss218- CameraToolsKatnissified, StagedAnimationKatnissified (Animkat), EngineLightKatnissified,RSSplanets, Katniss's LUT, Parts Pack, Cape Canaveral & Baikonur Cosmodrome @Knight of St John- Stock Waterfall Effects (SWE) @Lil_Bread402- Transport Space Technology/Systems, StarstroSpaceSystems, ...
Can we get the engines and fuels for rss without any rescaling? Just tweaking of thrust and isp. Quote AbeS Members 22 476 About me:Sr. Spacecraft Engineer PostedDecember 30, 2013 you would get some OP and underpowered engines like that, not sure the current tweaks without rescales would...
update RealismOverhaul/RealismOverhaul_Global_Config/@PART[*]:HAS[~RSSROConfig[]]:FOR[zzzRealismOverhaul] to SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Size1_5_Lander.cfg/PART[MEMLander] [LOG 15:54:33.323] Applying update RealismOverhaul/RealismOverhaul_Global_Config/@PART[*]:HAS[#RSSROConfig[...
一.RSS+RO在CKAN安装后的MOD列表 首先弄一个完全原版的全新KSP1.3.1,这一步不明白的请搜索“Steam游戏版本回滚”。然后下一个ckan.exe放到ksp文件夹的根目录下,打开以后下载Real Solar System,然后在推荐MOD列表中先把Realism Overhual去掉,下载剩下两个推荐MOD。星球材质包UP就随便下了一个最低质量的,反正后面...
一.RSS+RO在CKAN安装后的MOD列表 首先弄一个完全原版的全新KSP1.3.1,这一步不明白的请搜索“Steam游戏版本回滚”。然后下一个ckan.exe放到ksp文件夹的根目录下,打开以后下载Real Solar System,然后在推荐MOD列表中先把Realism Overhual去掉,下载剩下两个推荐MOD。星球材质包UP就随便下了一个最低质量的,反正后面...