5、在下载好所有必须文件后,我们解压文件,将各文件Gamedata中的内容放入KSP的Gamedata中就安装完成了,这里我们以直接在CKAN下载RSS并删除相关文件后安装好的RSS-Reborn为例,我们额外安装了RSS CanaveralHD、Planetshine、Distant Object Enhancement、Shabby、Shaddy、TUFX、RSS Origin的Skybox等来增强画面,但对于我们来说...
https://github.com/Qazerowl/RSS-Origin-Less identifier: rss-origin-less-primary name: RSS-Origin Less - Primary abstract: >- A paired-down version of CharonSSS's amazing RSS-Origin Celestial Pack. Adds only the "best" 26 bodies instead o...
https://github.com/CharonSSS/RSS-Origin From the mod's readme: RSS-Origin RSSTexture&TopoRevamp is an overhaul to some of the RSS celestials. I've done a widely search for information and figure ...
(1)由于现有版本的EC资源的计算方法令人抓耳挠腮,难以琢磨,我在这里直接使用了Kopernicus多星模式下的计算方法,这也是我目前能采取的最好方法了。 (2)已经完成RSS-Reborn+RO和RSS-Origin+RO的适配,如有遇到不合理的现象发生,可以站内私信、GitHub提交issue或forum上留言。 (3)由于B站修改次数有限,其余部分请上GitH...
In step two, the procedure involved isolating the main trunk of the perforator vessel pedicle and determining the muscle flap's vascular pedicle's origin, which might be the oblique branch, the lateral branch of the descending branch, or the medial branch of the descending branch. The third ...
游戏名:坎巴拉太空计划 Kerbal Space Program 配置:13700KF+RTX4080 64G内存 MOD环境:RSS/RO 美化:RSS-Reborn,RSS-Origin,TUFX,Parallax,RSSCanaveralPads等 BGM:(按顺序) 1、Gazania Blossom -- Mooncake 2、How We Are Going To The Moon -- Lava Sound Studios 注: 1、Artemis计划目前的时间表一直在...
Using the initial rotation to compensate for texture misalignment would also break mods that expose a longitude display, since the initial rotation rotates the body (as it should), rather than moving the origin of longitude. The correct solution to this issue is to look at all textures and che...
游戏名:坎巴拉太空计划 Kerbal Space Program 配置:13700KF+RTX4080 64G内存 MOD环境:RSS/RO 美化:RSS-Reborn,RSS-Origin,TUFX,Parallax,RSSCanaveralPads等 BGM:(按顺序) 1、Gazania Blossom -- Mooncake 2、How We Are Going To The Moon -- Lava Sound Studios 注: 1、Artemis计划目前的时间表一直在...
游戏名:坎巴拉太空计划 Kerbal Space Program 配置:13700KF+RTX4080 64G内存 MOD环境:RSS/RO 美化:RSS-Reborn,RSS-Origin,TUFX,Parallax,RSSCanaveralPads等 BGM:(按顺序) 1、Gazania Blossom -- Mooncake 2、How We Are Going To The Moon -- Lava Sound Studios 注: 1、Artemis计划目前的时间表一直在...
【坎巴拉】RSS-Origin星球包模组宣传片 2043播放 [坎巴拉]探索柯伊博带天体!鸟神星快帆任务 (RSSRO/多体) 2483播放 KEKKJ弹弓全过程无剪辑 131播放 【4K/KSP/RO/多体引力】载人木星-木卫探索任务 4.0万播放 【坎巴拉】未来已来,在游戏中建设我们的月球基地! 1.0万播放 【KSP】NTCP中国火箭包V1.1更新——CZ...