TweakScale Companion for ReStockPlus For ReStock[+] Alphas, Betas and Release Candidates TweakScale Companion for OPT Alpha For OPT Classic Legacy Continued TweakScale Companion LivingStyle Beta CxAerospace Station Parts PorkJet's HabPack HabTech (1) HabTech 2 Station Parts Expansion (Classic)...
PreciseManeuver ProceduralParts RaginCaucasian RationalResources RCSBuildAid RealChute ReStock ReStockPlus S.A.V.E.dat SCANsat scatterer Science-Full-Reward Squad SquadExpansion StageRecovery SunflaresOfMaar SurfaceLights TextureReplacer TrackingStationEvolved TriggerTech Waypoint...
I'm sorry that again the Gordon comes back with an increasingly borked install - but however the log is "only" 18.7 MB as I quit KSP ... And the other log spamming is the good ol' Contract Configurator - I'm used to it throwing issues since I installed it the first time ... Exp...