版本v19.0.2 ·KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem ·GitHub https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases/tag/v19.0.2.0 Kopernicus : Github链接 释放Kopernicus release-129 ·科佩尔尼库斯/科佩尔尼库斯 ·GitHub https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-129 Moudle manger: 最新版本为:4.2....
“Table Settings”设置 第五栏:参考系 。这一栏我们是设置参考系用的,将Reference frame 设置为: ICRF 。 Reference plane 设置为 “ecliptic x-y”开头的。 这是基于地球赤道作为参考,RealSolarSystem是使用赤道作为参考系的,因此你所看到的就是行星盘整体倾斜。 而x-y axes 开头的是使用黄道参考系,那么地球的...
.github/workflows GameData/RealSolarSystem Source Technical Notes .gitignore How To Re-create planets.md Readme_RSStextures.txt RealSolarSystem.netkan makeMeta.py Releases52 v20.1.3.0Latest Jul 13, 2024 + 51 releases Packages No packages published...
"provides" : [ "RealSolarSystemTextures" ] It is recommended that this field be used sparingly, as all mods with the same provides string are essentially declaring they can be used interchangeably. It is considered acceptable to use this field if a mod is renamed, and the old name of the...
mod已经很久没有更新了, 会存在不兼容的情况. 而虽然1.8.1版本中使用kRPC会有ui和draw不能用的问题 (会影响debug), 但是对飞行器控制是没有影响的, 所以不在回退到更早的版本. 这里期待一波KSP2, 据说是有老KSP玩家参与进去开发了, 说不定可以在发行的时候就能玩到的mod, 例如RSS (Real Solar System)等...
6年前 How To Re-create planets.md Add more to the howto re: PQS 10年前 Readme_RSStextures.txt Update to .24.2 11年前 简介 Changes KSP's solar system to make it like the real one. 暂无标签 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(51) 全部...
与自定义行星模组完全兼容——包括 Real Solar System、PlanetFactory 和 Alternis Kerbol 的耀斑颜色定义。 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/205063-ksp-131-distant-object-enhancement-doe-l-under-new-management-21112-2023-0421/ ...
(RSS)以及它的必要组件,包括了下面的必备组件RSS页面:https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystemRSS 是将Kerbin星系改编成真实太阳系的ModRSS的必要组件:Module Manager,是模组管理器,https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManagerKopernicus 2,行星地表改变工具,https://github.com/Kopernicus/KopernicusRSS Textures,真...
Fixed NoIVA patch causing missing part textures when the part reuse/share IVA textures (ex : SXT). Note that this change negate the loading time gains of the original patch, and might even cause a small increase (a few seconds) if KSP isn't running from a SSD. ...
Cloud and city detail textures byReal Visual Enhancements (RVE) Earth cloud and city lights textures byNASA Visible Earth Jupiter texture (used for exporting some basic cloud textures) byVleider(redistributed byThe Celestia Motherlode) Saturn texture (used for exporting some basic cloud textures) by...