Principia (多体引力+相对论效应+J2扁率;这个MOD还改了导航球画风;不过我不是很清楚它有没有引入更多的摄动项,也不清楚它有没有计算J2以上的高阶非球形引力场项。此MOD每次新月更新一次,同步支持多个KSP版本,似乎只能从github下的到。) RealEngines (组件...
B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings - Fork:这个mod的最新版本0.91在ckan上宣称支持所有版本的KSP,但事实上并非如此,需要安装最后一个支持1.3.0的版本即0.40.13 在RO和RP-1建议(Suggests)mod中,我安装了如下mod: SCANSat:扫描卫星组件/合同 FASA:NASA的组件包 Taerobee:早期火箭的组件包 RealEngines:看起来更真实的组...
S2.253 (Modified RD-100 from RealEngines by Alcentar) Gamma-2 (SXT from Lack) ENGINE CHANGES Changed the AJ10-137 to use the version from Apollo-Saturn mod by DECQ CHANGES CRAFT and SAVE BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed all parts to no longer have the suffix on the end. This allows easily sw...
Space Program that was released in 2015. It is a game in which players direct a space program, construct powerful spacecraft, and navigate expansive celestial bodies as they explore cosmic mysteries. The game features a realistic orbital physics engine, resembling to the real-life orbital ...
@NathanKell- Modular Fuel Systems, Real Fuels, Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, Realistic Progression 1, RealHeat, Staged Animation, AJE and SolverEngines, Kerbal Konstructs, Proc Fairings, Proc Parts, KSP Community Fixes, Contract Configurator, TestFlight ...
31.645] Applying update RealFuels/Resources/MLITechUpgrades/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]]:FOR[zzzRealFuels] to SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/part.cfg/PART[MEMLanderSXT] [LOG 15:54:32.294] Applying update RealismOverhaul/RealismOverhaul_Global_Config/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleE...
KSPmod网站:可能有时候上不去) KSP论坛和MOD网站不在国内,访问比较慢。 GitHub需要你使用STEAM++加速,如果还嫌弃下载太慢就复制文件下载地址打开GITHUB加速网址手动下载然后导入CKAN安装。 每个MOD我都在下面附带了 GitHub / kerbalspaceprogram / spacedock 的链接;(大多是...
RO页面: RO必要组件 Advanced Jet Engines,是真实世界中的喷气发动机,你可以不玩但是这是RO的必备组件所以你需要安装, FAR,真实气动, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued,强化连接物...
New QoL patch : AutostrutActions (suggested by forum user @RealKerbal3x) 1.17.0 New KSP bugfix :StickySplashedFixer(thanks to @NathanKell) New modding bugfix :DepartmentHeadImage(thanks to @NathanKell) PersistentIConfigNode patch : addedGuidserialization support toCreateObjectFromConfig(),LoadObjec...
KSP Mod 汉化流程大纲 零、前言 此为坎巴拉太空计划 1 的 Mod 汉化大纲。相信存在相当一部分人在游玩了大量的不支持中文/本地化的 Mod 后,萌生了想要自己做汉化的想法,但是鉴于国内 KSP 社区的封闭性以及我国互联网的一些特殊性,与其他游戏相比,很多应该出现的教程全都没有出现或是遗失。 本人于 2019 年入坑...