编译出krpc.lib的release和debug版本, 并放到我们最终放置lib的位置. 例如release版本的放在lib\release\krpc.lib, 而debug版放在lib\debug\krpc.lib, 注意pdb文件要和debug文件放在一起, 把前面的libprotobuf.lib也放在lib\release\, libprotobufd.lib放在lib\debug, 而头文件就放在include\krpc, include\krpc...
Mods may not be lowercase to begin with, need to handle this Extract IsBracketBalanced Remove bracket unbalanced nodes when sorting Unused method Bring back DeepCopy Apparently KSP's default implementation fails on badly formed nodes Fix bad region ...
MemoryLeaks : Only remove GameEvent delegates owned by destroyed UnityEngine.Object instances if they are declared by the stock assembly, or a PartModule, or a VesselModule. Some mods are relying on a singleton pattern by instantiating a KSPAddon once, registering GameEvents there and relying on...
@linuxgurugamer- 260 Mods including: Anyres, AQSS - AutoQuickSave System, Automated Screenshots, BigBen, Bob's Panic Box, Click Through Blocker, ConstantTWR, Craft Import, Fill It Up, HeapPadder, IFI Life Support, Integrated Stack Decouplers, JanitorsCloset, Kaptains Log, KRASH, KSPLogger, ...
PBR stock-conversion mods Downloads: The latest releases will always be available from: https://github.com/shadowmage45/TexturesUnlimited/releasesDependencies: Requires Module Manager (not yet included) User-created Configs and Texture Packs: (PM me to be added to the ...
Hi, I started encountering frequent crashes since last week after installing and updating a few mods Initially thought this was due to "Kerbal Engineering Redux" so I uninstalled it but the crashes have continued occurring once in a while. Here's the ful
A collection of Module Manager patches for translating KSP Mods (Part mods mostly) to Chinese (Simplified Chinese Only).这是一个非常简单的 Mod ,一个 KSP 社区 Mod 的中文翻译补丁合集。里面包含了一系列部件类 Mod 的简体中文翻译、补充或修正。多数利用 Module Manager 的功能机制对部件文件中的如 title...
Specify relationships with other mods. If your mod requires another mod to be installed to work: depends: -name:ModuleManager If another mod is recommended but not required: recommends: -name:BDArmoryContinued If a mod is nice to have but not recommended: ...
CKAN. The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network (CKAN) Package Manager (CKAN) is a multi-platform app that manages nearly all your mods from one clean executable. Performs installs, updates, and uninstalls of your mods automatically. NOTE TOCKANUSERS: don't expect support for installs...
I just installed the TweakScale - Rescale Everything! mod, and as the title says, after the game and all of my mods have been loaded, it's giving me the error "[TweakScale]ERROR: FATAL". It's saying that there's 7 total fatal errors. I'm new to the game