You can launch to rendezvous with a vessel in orbit by selecting it as a target in the map view BEFORE running the script. This will override the launch inclination to match and warp to the right time to launch so the LAN is correct. These are the main events durign ascent: Fuel cell...
220*250*15AP 密封件<br>DELTA SM30-100D 电源1<br>Sitema KSP 022 02 锁紧装置<br>BAUER BS06-31V/D04LA4-ST Artikel-Nr.: 188B850200 电机<br>DEUTSCHMANN TA58-1000-GYE-ID 编码器<br>Phoenix 2838186 自动控制器<br>Knick isolation Type:L 100 A2-007 Opt.473 隔离放大器<br>SMW 17869 滚轮...