原视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pog64KmCJyA&t=1183s 作者:Bradley Whiistance 翻:单热管 Bill的归程是曲折的...但前途是光明的!游戏 单机游戏 KSP 航空 坎巴拉太空计划 坎巴拉 航天 Bill想回到KSC吃零食...呜呜呜 SSTO Laythe Jool Bradley Whistance...
373 -- 6:14 App 坎巴拉体积云mod,Jool上的风暴 303 5 13:56 App 【KSP】建设Mun门户空间站 706 1 5:30 App 这就是超燃冲压的力量吗 141 -- 3:22 App Mun空中科研站建设part4:储油舱对接,科研站建设完成 702 -- 0:26 App 【KSP】倒霉的两兄弟 764 4 1:38 App 回退到组装大楼换来...
'V' if containing textures for the vintage suit model (Making History), 'F' if containing textures for the future suit model (Breaking Ground). NOTE:All options that can be configured in the GUI are saved per-game and not in the configuration files. Configuration files only provide initial...
Will we get “constant thrust” in time warp this time around? Absolutely. That’s an astute question, because you couldn’t use time zoom under acceleration in the original game so often if you were building a long burn with a low-thrust engine, to go to a place like Duna or Jool,...
在傍边li 分享22赞 坎巴拉太空计划吧 天lijiawen 【2015-07-31】原来ksp也有不确定性这种东西啊(误)刚刚开卫星去laythe玩,结果dv不够被被甩出去,结果神奇的被vall拉了回来,在多次f9后,发现有三种结果: 1 被vall甩出去,最后高轨环绕jool 2 被vall 分享62赞 坎巴拉太空计划吧 hyx5020 【KSP2官方公告】0.2...
螺旋桨和jool镇楼 鸭梨山大... 3-1 28 【模组】B9自定义机翼的汉化测试版发布了 特撫隆 在1.11版本经过一天的测试,应该向下兼容至1.8版本,暂时不兼容Wegame版本,现邀请吧友进行进一步测试 你甚至可以造一公里的超长机翼 哪里下载:https://github.com/tetraflon/B9-PWings-Modified/releases/tag/0.421 ...
准备去TYLO插个旗,用JOOL做了个大气减速之后就出不来了。去探测JOOL系,结果被扔来扔去扔了将近一个小时,电脑接近崩溃。 12楼2014-01-01 11:39 回复 向日葵教授33 太空殖民 11 笑笑楼:弃疗航天器排排站:我做了个V-2导弹,忘装陀螺仪满天乱飞。准备用RCS软着陆MOHO,结果和小笼包的一样。@超越神的xYz ...
bFSz7Gqj7ozwlnML97I2GvmtOiJoolxttMTC+L6ktNluplFlnWxU52EReuXjWrsrjD7+NL9jFy0r i7SI5Kd2KjmnbJQr5k61NnoGczVEtqOgZmGiuIkFQs+mm3r53atEXS5izyeDFQUhe5GzxmR5TwQ2 jUQ7JnB1lIsSUxXsr6nGA/c6BveMXOTmwL5llIwVdu1nWBuNSWtLhxaXmAZt74ALqgN4NZPwDvMh T4NxDSUPhGXWMS2yNrpr2WiKCM0RvKRgr4kj+uqJ...
JOOL 人工智能... 人工智能... 5-18 0 好看! 人工智能... 人工智能... 5-18 0 jool 人工智能... 人工智能... 5-18 0 神舟 人工智能... 人工智能... 5-16 4 登月 人工智能... 人工智能... 5-16 0 啦啦 人工智能... 人工智能... 5-16 1...
Well, now that has become a reality, with MoonReorganizer. Moves Minmus to Duna and Gilly to Jool. Renames Minmus to Dwight. Eve and Laythe swap, Pol becomes a tiny moon to the Mun, and Eeloo and Dres become a binary system. REQUIRES KOPERNICUS! Without further ado, Screenshots. Dwight...