Advanced Jet Engines,是真实世界中的喷气发动机,你可以不玩但是这是RO的必备组件所以你需要安装, FAR,真实气动, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued,强化连接物理特性的mod, ReContinued AJE:全称Advanced Jet Engine 先进的喷气发动机或者高级喷气引擎;Advanced Jet Engine 在 KSP 中为喷气机、螺旋桨和旋翼提供逼真的性能。 AnimatedDecouplers:此插件允许解耦器在解耦时设置动画,或...
@blackrack- Scatterer,EVE-Redux, Singularity @blowfish- B9PartSwitch, B9 Aerospace, Advanced Jet Engines, Simple Adjustable Fairings @cineboxandrew- ReStock, Conformal Decals @CobaltWolf- Bluedog Design Bureau @Consta- ArchaeSP @Daishi- Universal Storage 1 & 2 @Damon- Tundra Exploration, Tundra's...
{ "spec_version" : 1, "name" : "Advanced Jet Engine (AJE)", "abstract" : "Realistic jet engines for KSP", "identifier" : "AJE", "download" : "", "license" : "LGPL-2.1", "version" : "1.6", "release_status" : "stable", "...
Advanced Jet Engine - 根据现有的翻译对未翻译部件的文本进行翻译补全。 Mk2 Stockalike Expansion - 全部件翻译,尚未进行充分校对 Rational Resources - 主Mod翻译,未包含子 Mod Rational Resources Nuclear Family(未完全) - 一点小修饰。 Rational HydroDynamics - 将所有的 "Buoyancy" -> "浮力" *Universal Sto...
Neidon. It will eventually reach Neidon but it will take far too long(~24 years), by then a manned mission with a more advanced engine will long have been there, so this one will most likely get terminated, the other ones have more fuel and can reach Sarnus and U...
I'm not sure which direction I'm going to go with this. But the basic plan is just to document my playthrough that I'm starting up. This might be a bit 'boring', as its going to be an unmodded playthrough on normal career difficulty. I know I plan to div
first-class, quick and thoughtful service.We will strive to become an advanced enterprise in the industry, reached the international level, we will continue to forge ahead, innovation, and establish a century enterprise.FAQ Q: How to guarantee the same? A:...
Advanced Jet Engines,是真实世界中的喷气发动机,你可以不玩但是这是RO的必备组件所以你需要安装, FAR,真实气动, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued,强化连接物理特性的mod,