Hotfix release forissue #273:ForceSyncSceneSwitchpatch incompatibility withUniversal Storage 2. The patch will now be disabled when US2 is installed. Note that this patchmight be causing other issues, but so far we haven't been able to confirm them. ...
KSP 2 Feature Video Episode 6 confirmed the early access release date to be 24th of February 2023. On launch day, the game was not recieved well, having an overall mixed rating on Steam. Eventually, the situation had improved with the creation of the "For Science!" update on December ...
Science and career mode requires you to unlock some specific node in the Research and Development tree. You also may need to upgrade the tracking station to level 2 (game code restriction we can't do much about). How do I report a bug? Check if your problem has already been reported: ...
Researches the tech node. Throws an exception if this is not possible, for example if it is already researched or if you do not have enough science points. Added crew methods Update compatibility for 1.8-1.12 v0.1.0 initial release, compatible with KSP 1.8.x - 1.10.x...
Science and career mode requires you to unlock some specific node in the Research and Development tree. You also may need to upgrade the tracking station to level 2 (game code restriction we can't do much about). How do I report a bug?