2. 认识 MM Patch 这个内容属于大多数 mod 的前置依赖 mod - Module Manager 的内容,为了方便下面用 MM 来指代它。MM 提供了一系列操作 KSP 配置文件(CFG)的方法,方便那些 Mod 制作者可以在不修改原文件的情况下对原版或是其他 mod 的内容进行修改——你只需要写个 "patch"(补丁) 就可以轻松做到。这个 pat...
The most needed mod! Thank you for making this. Take your time adding features. Having it in the first place is amazing! Quote W0ND3RWEASEL Members 0 2 About me: Curious George Posted January 6, 2024 Thanks so much for making this mod! I'm sure you already have a lot on yo...
Tell CKAN how to install your mod, if needed. By default, CKAN will look for a folder named after the identifier and copy it to GameData for KSP1 or BepInEx/plugins for KSP2, which is correct and sufficient for many mods. If you need something more complex, add one install stanza p...
but I'm not seeing a "Mod" section in the main menu of the game... Did I maybe do something in the wrong order..? Usually thats related to an old SpaceWarp version still being present in the KSP2 folder. Also we do not recommend you installing BepInEx and then SpaceWarp, its ...
With the new update to KSP 1.12 On Final Approach that came out 6/24/21 this mod is causing the program to no longer load. I've loaded each part of this mod into ksp one at a time and tracked it down to the WarpPlugin. The game hangs on the Loading Part Upgrades. ...
一.RSS+RO在CKAN安装后的MOD列表 首先弄一个完全原版的全新KSP1.3.1,这一步不明白的请搜索“Steam游戏版本回滚”。然后下一个ckan.exe放到ksp文件夹的根目录下,打开以后下载Real Solar System,然后在推荐MOD列表中先把Realism Overhual去掉,下载剩下两个推荐MOD。星球材质包UP就随便下...
看见没,MOD开头的就是了 像我一样英语懵逼的直接右上角360浏览器(翻译网页)或者听我给你BB(你很勇哦) 1,Download Kerbal Space Program 1.8 or 1.9 and create a fresh install on your hard drive. (下载Kerbal太空计划1.8或1.9,并创建一个新的安装在你的硬盘上。)意思就是你需要游戏本体 ...
你的游戏进程存储文件放置处,里面也含有ships文件夹,在MOD安装中,MOD中的Ships文件也需复制到此。 Ships文件夹: 此文件夹包含已建造好的飞船文件,这些飞船在火箭设计处加载列表上通常会标上”STOCK”文字 插件安装教程: 如上图所示,会看见以上所列文件夹,当你获得一个MOD文件时,解压进去会发现里面的文件夹KSP根目...
2、PDF文件下载后,可能会被浏览器默认打开,此种情况可以点击浏览器菜单,保存网页到桌面,就可以正常下载了。 3、本站不支持迅雷下载,请使用电脑自带的IE浏览器,或者360浏览器、谷歌浏览器下载即可。 4、本站资源(1积分=1元)下载后的文档和图纸-无水印,预览文档经过压缩,下载后原文更清晰。
免责声明:以上所展示的[1KHW002951R0001 OPIC2-IM MDS-EH-(SP-160 CV-450) KSP 600-3X20]由会员[大德汇成科技(厦门)有限公司]自行提供,[1KHW002951R0001 OPIC2-IM MDS-EH-(SP-160 CV-450) KSP 600-3X20]内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布会员[大德汇成科技(厦门)有限公司]负责。[阿仪网]对此...