本期的KSP Loading到此结束,谢谢各位的阅读! 恰饭时间 近期KSP2新闻/采访合集 里头有关于KSP2的最新详细情报! 坎巴拉太空计划吧官方群正式开通啦! 群号码:229518650 全新坎喵模组大楼,敬请期待 关注M31的夜空及作者无敌...
1.11.2 TextureLoaderOptimizations : restored compatibility with KSP 1.10 and 1.11 DockingPortRotationDriftAndFixes : fixed autostruts crossing docking ports not being disabled if only one of the port pair is rotation-unlocked. 1.11.1 TextureLoaderOptimizations hotfix : was causing loading to hang on ...
Automated Screenshots, BigBen, Bob's Panic Box, Click Through Blocker, ConstantTWR, Craft Import, Fill It Up, HeapPadder, IFI Life Support, Integrated Stack Decouplers, JanitorsCloset, Kaptains Log, KRASH, KSPLogger, LoadingScreenManager, ModularSegmentedSRBs, ModuleAnimateGenericEffects, ModuleAnim...
KSP2 Update v0.1.2.0 Release Notes <-- This rocket denotes an issue or change that community members directly helped by sharing it with our dev team. Thanks to all of you who send in bug reports and suggestions! Bug Fixes Construction Stage groups now re
<12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <CreateDatabase>d__71:MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) GameDatabase:StartLoad() <LoadSystems>d__11:MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) LoadingScreen:...
On a Mac, after enabling KSP to be opened in Security and Privacy, you may encounter a bug where the game loading screen stalls indefinitely The workaround is to move theKSP.appicon onto the desktop and then back into theKSP_osxdirectory. For some reason bash commands didn't seem to wor...
2. 在app的build.gradle中添加 plugins { id'kotlinx-serialization'id''} 3. 在app的gradle.properties中添加 停用ksp增量编译 ksp.incremental=false 4. 在app的build.gradle的android下添加 buildFeatures { viewBinding =true} ...
It goes to the black loading screen for about two seconds, and then crashes. I get the same error every time (posted above). output_log 2 weeks later... spearsp Members 4 30 About me: Launch Vehicle Activist ...
For example, as shown in the Stereo buses example above, if you configure FXBus1 as a Stereo Left bus, the KSP8 makes darn sure that FXBus2 is a Stereo Right bus. That’s simply how the KSP8 architecture is designed to work. Now, starting with the same BUSCFG screen used in ...
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