凤凰城工程经理瑞安·史蒂文斯(Ryan Stevens)说:“我们取得了很好的效果,即便只使整个城市化地区的气温略有下降,也会产生非常积极的影响”。 史蒂文斯参与制定了整个城市的“凉爽道路伙伴计划”( Cool Roadways Partnership)。 智能地表是一种可能有助于减轻气候危机负面影响的技术...
16.[2020·浙江卷] For all of Bellevue's success, adaptive signals are not acure-allfor jammed roadways. (.cure(治愈)+all(一切)→cure-all 万灵药, 灵丹妙药) 02 合成动词类 1.[2024全国甲卷] We look forward to welcoming you...
The Xiangan bridge features a designed speed of up to 80 kilometers per hour. The bridge includes dual three-lane roadways for its oversea segment and dual four-lane roadways for the land-based road connectors. Xiamen's first bridge to connect the c...
14. [2020·全国III春] From mystandpoint, it all seems to work very well. 15. [2020·浙江卷] For all of Bellevue's success, adaptive signals are not acure-allfor jammed roadways. 16. [2018·全国I卷] Everybody can buytakeawayfood but sometimes we’re not awa...
trains and planes, etc, we'll be able to give everyone personalized commute instructions. So that rather than just wait for congestion to happen and then wrap people around it, we'll be able to anticipate and prevent that congestion on th...
upgrading roadways, since it takes a long time to build public transport # 口语考情# Task 1 Do you think that good teachers should admit to their students that they made mistakes or they do not know everything? 是否同意好的老师应该主动承认自...
结合锚杆支护中常规金属网、喷射混凝土护表存在的问题,提出并介绍了喷涂柔膜(简称喷膜)技术。 (1)开展了喷膜材料的拉伸性能测试,揭示了其承载响应快、变形能力大的力学特性;通过直接拉拔法测试了喷膜与红砂岩基体的法向黏结性能,结果表明喷膜具有良好的...
KANG Hongpu,JIANG Pengfei,FENG Yanjun,etal. Destressing technology for rock around coal mine roadways and its applications[J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(6):1−15. 20 煤矿井下定向钻孔水力压裂岩层控制技术及应用 康红普,冯彦军,...
In the near future, Shaikh envisions Shenzhen will achieve greater capacity to optimize its traffic, energy use and pollution reduction to become a “metaverse city” as the city’s infrastructure like roadways, airways, communications, en...
10.[2020·浙江卷]For all of Bellevue's success, adaptive signals are not a cure-all for jammed roadways. 11.2018·全国I卷 Everybody can buy takeaway food but sometimes we’re not aware how cheaply we can make this foo...