I’ll just move on, and I’ll have five wins, zero losses, one draw, and one no contest. People in the future could just look it up and see the situation. I think I’m at peace with a no contest, I don’t really mind. I’m a fair guy, it is...
- 传奇铁甲高光战绩- Wins:10Losses: 7 赛事 胜场对手 负场对手 BattleBots长滩赛 W.L.O.W. Stinger Sallad Defiant, Executioner 第一届BattleBots Sallad Alpha Raptor 第二届BattleBots Shish-ka-bot Evil Fish Tank 第三届BattleBots The Archduke Wedge of Doom 第四届BattleBots General Gau Wedge of Doom...