Founded in 1871 in Frankenthal (Germany), KSB has been one of the leading suppliers of pumps and industrial valves for over 100 years. With more than 15,500 employees worldwide and its own sales and marketing, manufacturing facilities and service operations, KSB develops and produces custom-fit...
Johann-Klein-Straße 9 67227 Frankenthal Allemagne +49 6233 86-0 Profil Produits Prendre contact À propos de KSB KSB est l'un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de pompes, de robinetterie et de systèmes connexes. KSB combine une technologie innovante et un excellent service ...
Founded in Frankenthal, Germany, in 1871, the company has a presence on all continents with its own sales and marketing organisations, manufacturing facilities and service operations. KSB employs more than 15,000 people. The company also has 190 service centres and over 3,500 service staff to ...
中国驻德国特命全权大使吴洪波于2011年9月在德国Frankenthal参观了泵和阀门供应商KSB公司总部。 KSB的代表向其做了公司未来几年在中国发展宏图的简介:鉴于过去在国内通用泵业务市场的成功,KSB计划加强此项业务;同时,KSB将继续在国内扩大销售网络,10月底,KSB将在中国西北部,乌鲁木齐,开办新的销售办事处,销售网络覆盖整个...
Founded in 1871 in Frankenthal (Germany), KSB has been one of the leading suppliers of pumps and industrial valves for over 150 years. With more than 15,000 employees worldwide and its own sales and marketing, manufacturing facilities and service operations, KSB develops and produces custom-fit...
凯士比(KSB)首次推出传热系统新型循环泵 传热系统循环泵热水循环系统蜗壳泵2010年4月,KSBAktiengesellschaff,Frankenthal首次推出其最新的EtanormSYT系列,凯士比(KSB)最新一代单级蜗壳泵专门开发用于现代传热系统和热水循环系统.VIP化工设备与管道
Founded in 1871 in Frankenthal (Germany), KSB has been one of the leading suppliers of pumps and industrial valves for over 150 years. With more than 15,000 employees worldwide and its own sales and marketing, manufacturing facilities and service operations, KSB develops and produces custom-fit...
Founded in 1871 in Frankenthal (Germany), KSB has been one of the leading suppliers of pumps and industrial valves for over 150 years. With more than 15,000 employees worldwide and its own sales and marketing, manufacturing facilities and service operations, KSB develops and produces custom-fit...
KSB阀门是一款来自德国的优质产品,在全球工业备品备件市场上拥有着广泛的应用。下面,我们将从以下几个方面对其进行介绍。 1.品牌背景 KSB公司成立于1871年,总部位于德国法兰克福附近的Frankenthal市。该公司专注于生产和供应各种高性能流体机械设备、配件以及阀门系统,并在全球范围内开展业务。经过150多年的发展壮大,今天...