Airport information for San Antonio Intl (KSAT) in , including runways, map, navaids, weather (METAR/TAF) and ATC frequencies. For flight simulation use only.
Flight plan departing from KSAT - San Antonio Intl, arriving at KBTR - BATON ROUGE METRO RYAN FIELD. Distance 388 nm / 718 km. Download for FSX, X-Plane, PMDG, Infinite Flight, PDF or other products.
I disagreed w/ a forecast & THAT is why I got blocked, so now if I want to send in weather pics to your FB page or to be able to interact, I can't! I feel as if I'm being discriminated against & left out. I enjoy your station a lot. Rooftop Weather, lunch w/ Katie & ...
I want the forecast first. Always. There doesn’t appear to be any way to make the app open with the forecast. Every other app opens with the forecast, which is, of course, the whole reason you have a weather app. —“Current Location” option on the app does not always update, so...
Flight plan departing from KLIT - Adams Field/Bill and Hillary Clinton National, arriving at KSAT - San Antonio Intl. Distance 459 nm / 850 km. Download for FSX, X-Plane, PMDG, Infinite Flight, PDF or other products.
Flight plan departing from KMCO - Orlando Intl, arriving at KSAT - San Antonio Intl. Distance 939 nm / 1,738 km. Download for FSX, X-Plane, PMDG, Infinite Flight, PDF or other products.
I disagreed w/ a forecast & THAT is why I got blocked, so now if I want to send in weather pics to your FB page or to be able to interact, I can't! I feel as if I'm being discriminated against & left out. I enjoy your station a lot. Rooftop Weather, lunch w/ Katie & ...
Love the KSAT weather team, but I’ve had a LOT of problems with this app. Best Feature: updates from the local meteorologists. Problems: —The app defaults on opening to the map. I don’t want the map first. I want the forecast first. Always. There doesn’t appear to be any way...
简介 The app makes it easier than ever to get the latest news, sports, entertainment and more from San Antonio's top news team, KSAT 12!新内容 版本记录 版本3000009 Performance improvement and bug fixes.评分及评论 查看全部 4.8(满分 5 分) 3万 个评分 Need police , 2023/07/...