一、一套产品包含(一个 5V4A 的电源适配器,一个 SOLO 设备) 二、如下图,电源适配器一端接在 110V-220V 插座上,另一端 DC 电源头接在 SOLO 设备上 给设备供电。 一,等待一分钟左右,能搜索到名字为 lucky-xxxx 的开放式自带 wifi,用电脑或者手机连接 这个wifi 会跳转到 lucky miner 界面(如下图,手机操...
此文档为 Miner(V5-V8) 用户使用指南,包含一套产品,其中包含一个5V4A电源适配器和一个SOLO设备。电源适配器需接在110V-220V插座上,另一端通过DC电源头连接SOLO设备进行供电。设备启动后,等待一分钟左右,用户能搜索到名为lucky-xxxx的开放式自带WiFi,使用电脑或手机连接该WiFi即可进入幸运矿工界面。...
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Fine-tuned for the KHeavyHash algorithm, Iceriver KS3M is a premium Kaspa miner with a maximum hash rate of 6000Gh/s. With a power consumption of 3400W, KS3M lets miners mine Kaspa coins efficiently regardless of the mining difficulty. The ideal voltage for the Iceriver KS3M KAS miner...
2. All packages will be sent by the fastest logistics, such as DHL, UPS, FedEx, etc. 3. For more product details or technical support, please contact sales. 4. The input voltage required by the miner is 220V. Incorrect input voltage may cause damage to the miner. ...
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